
Why do some people think that Global Warming and Recycling is a crock?

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Do these people still think this is debatable even though it shows EVERYWHERE and why do they?




  1. Recycling certainly is not "crock". In regard to "global warming" no one as yet has been able to come forth with conclusive proof that humans are actually causing any warming whatsoever. Leading German scientists recently announced that they have proof that the planet has been cooling for at least ten years.

  2. There's no problem with recycling - everyone should do it.

    There is no "global warming", as the Earth's climate has been cooling down for the last 10 years.

  3. Recycling is not a crock, it's a great idea.  Manmade global warming is a crock.

  4. Who thinks recycling is a crock?

  5. Some people think that the earth heats up and cools down over time. They think that what is happening today with the increase of the earths temperature is natural and that with the increase of the temperature more plants will grow and thus more oxygen and that will close the ozone naturally.  The problem with  this thinking is what happens if its wrong. By the time they realize their mistake, we may not be able to recover.

    As for recycling, as the cost of raw materials increases (commodities: oil,corn, sugar, gold, silver etc.) the more cost effective it will be to recycle. You should understand that sometimes it is cheaper to make new than to recycle. Not as good for the ecology but good for the economy. There are trade offs that adjusted to by market economies. An example is solor power, you can mount it on your roof but it will cost you $30,000 to purchase and install, it will take many years to recoup your cost, but as the cost of electricity rises the recovery time for your investment will become shorter.

  6. When it comes to science, there is no such thing as "the debate is over."

    Global warming is a crock because the policies surrounding it are anti-human.  Tribes in Africa have to breathe smoke and fumes from using manure as fuel because environmentalists won't let them have gas-powered electric generators because their afraid the exhaust will cause "global warming."  So the I guess it's better to let the people get sick and maybe have to transport some of them by car or helicopter to the hospital-- which would add to the alleged global warming-- to help the person.  

    The whole idea is not very well thought out.  "I'll get an electric car.  That way, I won't use any more energy."  Wrong, you still have to get your electricity sometimes from a coal-fired power plant.  

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Recycling has it's own issues.  While there are benefits to it, sometimes recycling is harder on the environment, is more costly, and uses more energy, than using raw materials.  In some neighborhoods now, there are four garbage trucks needed for trash day when it used to be one.  That's four large trucks burning fuel.  

    We have to stop pollution, but let's keep a cool head and not freak out over barbeques and fireworks.

  7. Easy:  Global warming is a natural property of the planet.  Variations in solar activity, and Earth's irregular orbit, cause climate change.  Recycling in its current form costs more money and energy that creating the same products from scratch.  That makes recycling foolhardy, as it's subsidized by taxpayer money (money that could be better spent on other programs, or given back to the taxpayer to spend themselves).

  8. Global warming is a scam. A scam is a way to move money from your pocket to someone elses pocket. The climate change worshipers will use fear to make people accept higher taxes and more control over thieir lives. It is the height of arrogance to think that man can destroy the planet by burning fossil fuels. Nature puts far more carbon into the atmosphere than man ever has been capable of. The earth has always had warming and cooling cycles. Open your mind look at facts from othe sources before you decide to sign on to this propaganda.

  9. Two completely different topics. Recycling materials that can be recycled just makes sense because it conserves natural resources. However, recycling has no impact on global climate.

    On the other hand, while most scientists agree that average global temperature increased slightly (0.6°C) during the 20th century, there is no valid evidence to suggest that human activity has caused any more than 5% of that increase, or 0.03°C. Thus most people are now aware of that fact that AGW hysteria is driven by people who have other agendas (mostly political).

  10. Not recycling, just man-made global warming.


    I don't know - it's July 6th and it's 75 out?

  11. many people including myself think that global warming is over hyped and nothing to worry about bc this has happened b4. the earth goes through constant cycles. did u know that if u look at the past 50 years temperature has gone up, but if u look at the past 500 its going down?yes its getting warmer but its not because of us. carbon 14, or C14, is making the earth warm. why? because C14 increases as the sun gets warmer. the sun is getting hotter, thus makign the earth warmer. unloess carbon dioxide is seeping all the way to the sun or something liek that, then global warming really is all hype

  12. Facts are facts: Warming and thawing cycles have ALWAYS occurred. The polar ice caps on Mars are melting as part of this natural process too.

    Recycling has always been a good ideal.

  13. the earth has been warming off and on for about the last 10,000 years, that's not debatable, the knee jerk single cause conclusions some global warming enthusiasts come up with in order to scare the c**p out of people is. The real shame is that all of the 'cures' they come up with are good things, and will help the planet in the long term but that doesn't mean that they can pretend things like orbital/rotational shifts, continental drift, and the bare fact that 600 billion people live on this planet and not all of them are in the US, don't have an effect on global climate..... it's kind of hard to listen to someone like that.

  14. My wife and I have always recycled, we have done a number of things to conserve our natural resources.  Global warming has nothing to do with recycling and it has not shown it face here this past winter and summer it is colder then normal spring and summer.   I encourage everyone one to utilize our resources wisely, enacting laws and tax schemes to gather more money for the government to waste is not a good idea for any cause.  Especially if the consequence is suspect to begin with.

  15. Well, apparently everyone who has answered this question is on the same page:

    Recycling: AWESOME! (I do it!)

    Global Warming (athropogenic, that is): HYPE! (I think so!)

    So there's your answer. Even those of us who either believe recycling is good or actually do it also believe that Global Warming is a farce (as far as its being caused by human activity).

    Funny, I'm a conservative and I work with many "liberals", yet I am the one who pulls the recyclables out of the trash!

  16. nobody thinks recycling is a crock.

    Global warming, however is extremely debatable.  People are so ignorant to think that they're significant enough to save the world by making small changes like biking.  Newsflash: you breathe out CO2 and water vapor - just like the majority of your car's exhaust.

    For all we know, the warming trend we're HOPING is there is saving us from the next ice age.

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