
Why do some people think that child molester's cant adopt?

by Guest56963  |  earlier

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I had an argument with a friend about celebrities being divorced 6 times, taking drugs, and still being able to adopt children. We came to the conclusion that they had money. And I said, "a rapist getting caught with a kiddy p**n dungeon would be able to adopt if he had money". My friend told me not to be silly, that s*x offenders where of limits. Then I gave an example, "Woody Allen", pedophile and s*x offender that got to adopt cause he had money. My friend got defensive and "had to go".

Didn't you know that money cures all evils, if you've got it you can do anything & get away with it.

Why wont some people accept that? Is it cause it calms them down?




  1. thats your why don't you go live with a child molester with lots of money.  

  2. Child molesters cannot adopt children unless they get the pregnant woman to sign over custody directly to them without going through an agency.  Any agency will disregard the adoption application of ANYONE who has a s*x offender condition on the background check, or, for that matter, a positive finding of child abuse.  Woody Allen adopted 2 children while in a relationship with Mia Farrow prior to wedding Soon-Yi.  Granted, his first marriage was also to a 16 year old, but in many states, it is legal with parental consent.  Adoption agencies can only go on criminal records and convictions.  I agree that money does open up doors, but it doesn't get professionals to risk their career by ignoring legal and ethical standards that are in place.  If an adoption social worker got a bribe so that a convicted child molester could adopt, that worker would lose his or her job, never be allowed to work in any social services field again with that on their record, and the child would be taken away from said child mollester.

  3. I mean think about it. Children are gifts from god and here you have a s*x offender that has hurt a child, or has thought about hurting a child whether physically mentally or emotionally. if this were your child would you want someone to do this to your child,? a s*x offender might end up hurting the child.children need homes but they dont need a home at the expense of being hurt.

  4. child molesters who have been caught can not adopt in this country no matter the amount of money.  Who knows what they can do overseas though

  5. Its simple some don't live in reality and they're ignorant, others don't care. Out of sight out of mind.

    Child molestors and pimps adopt all the time thanks to the lax adoption laws.

    Look how many parents called their children liars when their children told them that their priest was molesting and/or raping them. Look at how many priests were proven to have done it and look at how long it took to get it through their thick parents head. Some still think its a lie and that it was only one or two cases.

    Unfortunately, we live in a world where too many people will look the other way until it happens to their own child.

  6. Rapist of that nature shouldnt be allowed to have chilren. What are you saying that its ok to rape if you have money?

  7. quote: [Woody Allen was never convicted of anything related to the charges brought by Mia Farrow and he didn't adopt Soon Yi. I realize there are people that adopt who end up being molesters but to openly be convicted and able to adopt is not possible.]

    While I agree with the statement about Woody Allen, I have to disagree with the statement that adoption is impossible for those convicted of child molestation.

    I know of at least one case in Michigan, where a convicted child molester, by the name of Scott Francis, was able to adopt children. This was due to several judicial errors, not because this man had so much money.

    Though celebrity bashing can be fun, some fairness has to be applied too. I've compiled a list of over 150 abuse/murder cases involving adoptive families: see

    None of the cases I've been able to find involves celebrities, though quite a few of them relate to people having received foster parent of the year awards.

    The only known case of possible abuse by a celebrity, I know of, involves Joan Crawford, whose adoptive daughter Christina made claims of abuse in her book Mommie Dearest. Since we only have Christina's word for it, we cannot corroborate her story.

    Even when Christina's story is indeed true, this is not a case of a known child abuser, being able to adopt, but an adopter who ends up being abusive.

    ETA: Sunny, I guess you refer to Matthew Mancuso, the adopter of Masha Allen, see

    There are comparable cases, where single men adopted children with the intent to abuse:

    So far I found close to 40 cases published in news paper articles that report sexual abuse in adoptive families. I highlight the above cases because like Masha Allen´s case the abuse was the intent of the adoption, where that cannot be established for the other cases.

    ETA2, Kristy: This is only a tip of the iceberg. The cases on our  site are close to completion regarding lethal abuse in adoptive families in the last 20 years. The non-lethal abuse cases are far from complete. The ones that made the news since 2005 are mainly covered. For the years before 2005, I have added several of the high profile cases, but many of the lesser known ones I still have to add/find. There are of course many abuse cases that never made the news and even more cases never got reported in the first place.

    For those who want to speak out about abuse that happened in their adoptive families, there is a website where you can register the abuse:

  8. That's sick.  It's sad that money IS indeed power.

  9. First of all, Woody Allen was not convicted of the charges brought against him.   Child molester's should never ever adopt or have their own children.  That is not even an option

  10. I think some people don't want to admit just how corrupt this world and country truly is. We're all greedy mugs and child services, adoption agencies, and the government- of course the government are of no exception. It helps some sleep better at night thinking the world isn't messed up, people aren't starving around the world, animals aren't dying out, the world isn't coming to an end and children are safe. But many come to the realization that this world is nothing but evil and people thrive off money and ripping people off. The government does more harm than help. Maybe your friend is an optimist-someone who tries to find good in a world of madness.

  11. Duude your hella smart

  12. I would hope that NO child molesters could adopt...  ever.  Poor or wealthy.

    Was Woody a molestor prior to the adoption or was it only after the adoption that he molested his daughter (adopted step daughter)?  


    Niels:  The informatin on your site links are very sad.  I can't believe there are so many people out there who are that HORRENDOUS.

  13. Woody Allen is not a pedophile.  

    He had an affair with his girlfrind's (Mia Farrow) adult adopted daughter (Soon-Yi Previn, who with Farrow, was adopted with her then-husband, Andre Previn).  

    Allen and Farrow never lived under the same roof.  While this is not really appropriate behavior, no laws were broken.

    But yes, child molesters do adopt children.  There is a case so unspeakable, it boggles the mind.  A single man adopted a girl from Russia.  I can't think of the names, but I know it was written about on these sites.

  14. Woody Allen was never convicted of anything related to the charges brought by Mia Farrow and he didn't adopt Soon Yi. I realize there are people that adopt who end up being molesters but to openly be convicted and able to adopt is not possible.

  15. because they would do the same to that kid. if u were a parent u would understand.  

  16. Regardless of your personal feelings, Woody Allen was never convicted of any crimes involving children so there is no legal reason why he couldn't adopt.   (Next time you have a debate with a friend over something like this, get your facts straight.  It may help with your case)

    Simple fact is, there are child molesters who are working as athletic coaches, scout leaders, camp counselors, day care workers....  Even with criminal records checks and child welfare checks these people still get their positions because they either have not been caught yet or any previous allegations could not be proven.  It has nothing to do with the amount of money they have.  

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