
Why do some people think that every thought in their head needs to be spoken?

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There are some people who have no concept of an internal filter. They feel the need to tell you if it was number one or number two when they went to the bathroom, they tell you that their hemorrhoids really hurt, and so on.

Then there are those who babble ALL DAY about the most trivial, meaningless things. It's hot outside, they're bored, they're tired, they're hungry, and blah blah blah. Every thought in their head comes spilling out, oblivious to whether anyone is even listening.

What possesses people to be so self-absorbed, and the refusal to not think before they speak?




  1. Its just pure self absorption.this guy I knew would talk even when he knew you were mad because of his talking. didn't matter where or when, just with the blah, blah ,blah...

    I don't believe its thinking out loud.  I believe its a little more  like verbal diarrhea.

    once it starts coming .......

  2. GOOD question!  I have wondered that myself.  My mother in law is the worst, my father in law second in line, and my husband is a close third.  They have no filter between their brains and their mouths -- and are quite proud of that fact.  There is no telling how many people have been hurt and/or offended.

    I think I have finally figured it out, though -- they think out loud.  They really do!  Every single thought that passes through their mind, they speak it.  Gotta tell you ... it drives me crazy.

    Edit:  Ironman is right about these people wanting to hear the sound of their voice -- at least that is what I have observed about my mother in law -- not so much my father in law and husband, they just lack the filter between brain and mouth.  She will say something like "I think I will have a cup of tea  and piece of cake," then ramble on about " a cup of tea, a cup of tea and a piece of cake, a cup of tea ... a cup of tea" with a little lilt, on and on and on.  Alright already!  But the way she says it, I can tell that she is enjoying hearing herself say it, like it's fun.

    I'm telling you, they drive me nuts.

  3. It might be nervousness, carelessness, or are just self-absorbed like you said.  It all just depends on the person.

  4. From personal experience.... Boredom.  They are trying to fill moments they are losing throughout the day because of  tedious work. This is their personal entertainment. Let's face it, nowadays, people are used to constant distraction of tv, cell phones, radio, internet, etc.. it's hard to just sit still and quiet when we are used to having so much commotion going on.

  5. That is an excellent observation. Some people just want to hear their voice. They just don't care what they say, and they probably do not even remember what they have said. I know a librarian at work who talks,blah, blah,blah, blah, If you are with her for two hours she will do all the talking for the full two hours. Basically she has said absolutely nothing.

  6. It could be because they don't get enough attention in thier real lives so they resort to saying everything in thier minds so that people will pay attention to them.

    It could also be that they're trying to be witty or funny, which in this case, they obviously arent...

    Or they like the smell of thier own farts.

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