
Why do some people to refuse to believe they need math?

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Why do some people to refuse to believe they need math?




  1. Some people learn math differently i know this might sound crazy but drug dealers are the smartest at math

  2. I"m one of them. I have 2 masters degrees, make 90K a year, have a great house... I still have no need for math beyond balancing my checkbook.  

  3. Maybe because it's hard. Probably just the algebra. The 1+1=2 thing, you really need that.

    But if you go to some grocery store and go all. "Hey, uhm, I need a xyz-2 to the 2nd power of this. . . . etc"

    You definitely don't need that.

  4. its a mental block

    math is everywhere

    with out life is going to be difficult

  5. In high school, it seems unnecessary. Let us mature, grow up, pay bills. Even now I think math is unnecessary, but deep down I know we need it.

  6. Unless you're going into a career feild that requires advanced math, you probably won't need anything beyond basic algebra. A rudimentry knowledge of variables will help you figure out your own personal finances.  However, for example, Literature professors, chefs and actors don't need trigonometry and calculus.  

  7. Its not ALL maths ( I assume you mean like in school). We don't NEED when the h**l are we ever going to use 'x-y=6' in real life? It is pointless. SOME maths, we addition...

  8. Ok, I don't think we need math, the stuff you learn in high school. Unless you want to have a career that requires algebra and all that good stuff. Though, I do know we need ACCOUNTING. Which seems to be more beneficial.

  9. because they are afraid to look stupid because they cant do it

  10. Face it. Some people LIKE to convince themselves there is no point in life so they don't try. I am not one of those people.

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