
Why do some people treat their vehicle as if it is a family member?

by Guest63197  |  earlier

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There's a guy in my neighborhood who literally spends an hour every evening taking care of his truck. Every single day. Going over it with a towel, checking for minor streaks of mud, polishing the rims, dusting the interior, and so on. Every day.

Taking care of your vehicle is certainly important, but for crying out loud, it's a TRUCK. It's not a flesh-and-blood family member, who is more deserving of your time.

Does he do that out of ego, insecurity, narcissism, or maybe something else?




  1. hahaha. sounds like my uncle. it could be that he is just a perfectionist, like my uncle. and some people love to show off.

  2. For some people, they've worked so hard for that vehicle that they don't want it to be even the least bit dirty. Other people might consider their car one of the few things they can really be proud of. Others want to take care of the car so they can sell it for a decent amount when they decide they don't want it anymore. And like said, there are a few people who are sadly just attached to their cars for no reason at all.

  3. I would say it's OCD.

    Me neighbor does this too with his truck and the riding lawn mower. Go figure! I dunno why...I asked him once and he says "to make it look good". Whatever!

  4. Or perhaps he just really likes his truck and really likes it when it looks good. I mean, a lot of girls spend a lot longer then an hour a day doing their makeup... seems like kinda the same thing to me. Perhaps he spent a long time working to get the money to buy and it and really likes it looking new and nice.

    It's not something that I would be doing, but I really don't see why you think it's a big deal.

  5. I think that he is obsessed with his truck.  It is a little irritating but try to ignore it.  It may take a while but eventually, it will slow down a bit.  I think he does it out of ego, it certainly is weird.  Good luck!!!!!

  6. its like a sport, even i am like that, iv use 16000 on customizing my scion i like the reaction people give me on my hard work and they say it looks good plus i go on the track with it to bet and i get lots of money.

  7. because cars are  really expensive my dad named his old car betty or besty something like that answer mine?;...

  8. Many years ago an old man told me "your car will be as good to you as you are to it" maybe he told your neighbor too.

    Obviously it was never told to you............... so now you know

  9. I suppose it could have something to do with how much we pay for vehicles.  Some folks car payments are comprable to a months rent at an apartment.  Just like at our home or apartment we care for out apartment/home we clean it, treat the stuff inside it good etc.

  10. well to me i have two vehicles that cost about 20,000.00 each and it may not seem like a lot but that's my money i worked for and why cant somebody take care of them or do you have that kind of money just as pocket change

  11. well the price for a vehicle know days are EXPENSIVE, maybe

    he's just proud to have one?

  12. I have an Infiniti... a nice luxury vehicle...I treat the engine good but I treat the interior like c**p. Ha its my office, my cafeteria, my life. I'm in sales. There would be no way to keep it clean all the time. I find it really annoying when people are anal about their vehicles. Enjoy the thing already! =)

  13. Because it cost alot of money and they want to make sure it lasts.

  14. most of the time, if a person loves their car, truck, or SUV a lot, they are usally not married and their vehicle is the only thing he or she loves.  

  15. I think he really just likes his car; it's something very important to him.

  16. Maybe he spent alot of time to get that truck.

    Yea, i know u.u my mom NAMES our cars.

    she named our van " Pussycat "

    How embarrasing.

  17. Maybe He just wants it to look nice or maybe he's just bored...It's none of you business

  18. A lot of people pay good money for a car, and work several hours to pay for them. So they want to take the best care of there investment. Other people just love cars and love the company of there car. Why? I have no idea it is just a special breed of humans!

  19. being a truck, he probably puts it through a lot over the course of the day... so the cleaner and in better shape he keeps it, the longer it will stay in good condition!

  20. its cuz half of america is poor and cars cost a lot of money so he wants to make his car last..

    but you are right.. that is kinda creepy

  21. what's the big deal? he probably worked really hard to obtain that car and wants to take care of it because it's his baby, his reponsibility. People tend to take better care of things that they paid for themselves.

  22. my be that's all he has & chiks love it.

  23. look yo i have a friend that has a 2004 Ford Mustang color white with new rims and all this other **** and added nitrous system and ****

    it was totaly worth it and when ever we get back from the track and **** i even help out putting wax on that beuty

    also im getting a Nissan Skyline and it is gonna be the best car you guys will ever see on the news... lol jk (about the news part)

  24. Now you've done it My car overheard you and now she's upset. She's locked herself in the garage and won't come out. So you'll have to come and take me to work. You are a BRAT.

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