
Why do some people view the west as spiritually inferior?

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In recent years I have become more aware of a disturbing prejudicial view of the west as spiritually inferior to the east. In high school or college we read Edward Said's Orientalism and we learn about how the West has imposed an image on the East. We don't, however, talk about the East's otherization of the West. Although as humans and as cultures, we are all part of this process. Why does this attitude still prevail for some people? And why is there such manifest cruelty in preserving the spiritual values of the East? What I mean is..why is there such disregard for everything that is western...? Why do some people assume that westerners are promiscuous or careless or undisciplined..? This is prejudiced and wrong.




  1. cuz in many ways we are...also that people there are alot different in the "eastern world..." but I juessthat's just me

  2. Because there IS a lot wrong with this country.  We ARE promiscuous, careless and undisciplined in many ways.  This country is also a greedy nation run basically by large corporations.    There is a great disparity between the haves and the have-nots that is just shameful. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer and can't pay their medical bills. If you don't have money in this country you might as well forget about it.   Also, here in this country people cannot seem to get along with each other--still having the same old prejudices that should have been eradicated decades ago.  We had better learn to live as American brothers and sisters or we will certainly die together as fools. We ARE spiritually bankrupt in many ways.  We have been on top for too long the only place left to go is down!  And this world is going to h**l in a handbasket.  Don't get me wrong, this is my home and I love this country but there's alot wrong with it.  At least we are free to say so.   We had better wake up before its too late.

  3. It is the image we project to the world.  Our media presents a distorted picture of who we are.  Spirituality just does not sell well in the papers and on television.

    Besides, that was the view (lack of spirituality)  the world took towards Russia.  When Mother Russia fell, everyone took a critical look at the next big dog in line, the United States and any one connected to us.  Westerners.

    What and who the world thinks we are, is not always what and who we are.  Westerners are extremely diverse.  We have a lot of freedom that other countries fear. We don't bow down and follow a leader because we are told to.  We have learned to question and we do so with vivacity.   We give more aid to other countries than any other nation on the planet.

    We have our spiritual centers, but they generally are not advertised blatantly and we do not push them on others.  We have religious freedom that other cultures envy.  

    When one reads about other cultures, they too, have some rather despicable moments in history.  In fact, a lot of nations in the East are extremely corrupt.  And as nations age, they learn to hide their indiscretions - or kill them.

    We have a great number of spiritual folk in my neck of the woods.

  4. Spirituality in the US is blindly following Jaysussah. TV and movies and art in general are all suspect because there may be a message in  there that spiritual guys like Jimmie Swaggart might not like. More people know the Pillsbury Dough Boy than anything at all about a foreign culture, or for that matter who their congressman is. Life is about accumulating wealth and keeping up with the neighbors and impressing strangers. Even the culture of food involves wrapping paper and plastic forks. Where is the spirituality in the West at all? I don't see it.

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