
Why do some people vote against their own voting for president largely emotional?

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Some people seem to vote against their own interests and give silly reasons like "I don't like him", "I hate him", "He's arrogant"...putting aside the fact that we know none of these candidates personally and that they might agree on the issues. So why do we take voting for President so personally?




  1. Why do some people think that the Government should serve their interest and not what is best for the country?

  2. Demographics and emotions drive elections, not issues.  Most people don't understand the issues, the politicians are the ones who misunderstand them the most.  Who knows how things really will play out.

    In 1976 the country was disgusted with the way Ford and Nixon had run the country.  When it comes to economic issues those were certainly two of the most boneheaded people ever to visit Washington D.C.  Nobody thought it possible that things could get worse.  By 1980 we knew different.  

  3. Cause most people are lemings!  Especially liberals.

  4. I will vote for neither candidate. Neither of them hold my interests. If i knew either of them personally I'd probably punch them both in the mouth.

    I refuse to vote for the lesser of two evils. Neither Obama or McCain can fix, change or alter the course of this country. I will not be held responsible or feel guilty when one of them gets into office and s***w things up. Not by my vote.

  5. Yes. Certainly

  6. well I don't have any interests to vote for this two clowns so I don't vote

    better in that way instead regret later...

    I totally don't trust our politcal system ... period

  7. This is in USA. that why...The most racism in the world..

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