
Why do some people want the world to end?

by  |  earlier

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The end of the world is predicted every few years

What are these people thinking?




  1. The end of the world is predicted every few DAYS right now.

    People are looking for a "magic bullet" solution.

  2. They think the world should end when they do.

  3. That's true.  Someone is always coming up with a new date and telling us why this time it's real.  It never ends. /

  4. Lol, I think it is wrong to do such, and no one knows when the end of the world is.  I think it is from excitement.  All believers will hear the trumpet of the Lord, and go up to heaven. I mean, how exciting is that! Eternal happiness!! Many people believe in reincarnation, but lets be serious, if that's true, then we all DO have souls, and the sun will implode in X amount of years, so what then??  

  5. Because they want to be with Jesus

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