
Why do some people want their kids to watch tv?

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Why do some people want their kids to watch tv?




  1. well, my parents definitely don't want me 2 watch tv but some parents that don't really know wat they're doing want their kids 2 watch tv cuz it gives them something 2 do and entertains them 4 a while so the parents can relax and get the kids out of their way. thats wat my parents did when i wuz little cuz they were young and didnt know wat 2 do w/ me.

  2. people forgot how to talk and share so they turn on a tv they are afraid of learning what true joy is by spending time with there children and have fun

  3. there is educational t.v. noggin,pbs not all t.v. is bad t.v.

  4. it's a babysitter that canbe controlled while the parent's steal some "alone" time from the kids.

  5. There are many educational shows on television.

  6. Well kudos to the people whose children watch no TV.  I do mean that (it sounds sarcastic, it's not).  In fact, I applaud it.

    I let my kids watch TV.  I happily raise my kids and plan things for them to do.  They love to be outside, doing projects, etc.  But when they first wake up, before bed, during down time, and when I need to catch up on household chores, sure I let them watch TV.  I'm human.  If my honesty here gets me thumbed, so be it.

  7. Hot topic alert. Hot topic alert.  Do you have kids?

    I put my kids in front of the tv so I get some downtime.  If I waited until the end of the day to get my precious minutes of downtime to myself, I would be insane.  Yes, people live without tv or satellite or cable.  Good for them.  No, kids do not get obese from watching tv.  They get obese because they eat while watching tv, and/or watch tv ALL DAY LONG, and never do anything physical.  And yes, my 7 year old will watch 2 hours of tv sometimes while my toddler is napping, and I'm watching tv with her too while I take a nap myself.  Yes, we watch tv after we've had an afternoon of play and we want to relax.  I grew up as watching tv as a relaxation thing, not really as an entertainment thing.  So, when we all need some downtime or to relax, that's when I put the tv on.

  8. Television is just like any other tool used in teaching your children.  Moderation and careful selection of what materials are presented, regardless of the media format are far more important than the media format themselves.  I think limiting children's television viewing to appropriate subject matter and limiting it in terms of hours per day are important concepts.  Television can make a great impression and can help to bring certain subject matter to life in a way that the printed page truly cannot.

  9. Well All parents are different some think that tv help children learn faster and it sorta of true and kinda of not it all depends on what they let them watch hope  i help

  10. because its easier to put them in front of the boob tube, instead of doing something constructive.  why do we have so many overweight children these days?  less active excersizing through playing, more high in sugar starchy foods.  Parents are LAZY!

    typically a child acts the way the parents allows. they do what works,, there are too many bosses and not enough students. what i mean is there are too many kids that control their parents every move, their parents will do anything for the child to not throw a tantrum. instead of handeling the problem at the momment that will throw a bandaid on it, and will usually reward the child for bad behaivor.

    if i had a dollar for every time this scenerio happened...

    parent tells child that its time to go

    child says no and refuses to go

    parent says i'll buy you ice cream if you come

    that parent just rewarded that child for bad behaivor, now do you think the child will behave next time? no they are going to wait untill they next reward to do what the parent wants.


    dont be afraid to dicipline. it is not being mean, it is actually helping the child. you are not here to be their friend! they will love you regardless. and later in life the will thank you for showing them dicipline, and teaching them respect.

    if parents do not get their children under control around the age of 18 months,,, then during the terrible 2's, horrible 3's, horific 4's,,,, you will eventually look at your child and say.. i love you but i dont like you very much right now. well guess what? it will be your fault for not handeling things early on. you have to show your child that you are the authority... not them.

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