
Why do some people who claim not to be Christian celebrate Christmas???

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It makes no sense that if you do not believe in Jesus that you would be celebrating his birth. And don't try to tell me it's a secular holiday and everyone celebrates it, that's only the case in Christian countries such as America. If you go to, say, Israel they have no Santas in malls (yes they do have malls), etc. So I told one supposed atheist that he can't be an atheist because he celebrates Christmas and he got all offended for reasons I don't know. I just know that I celebrate all secular holidays, but being Jewish, I do not celebrate Christmas so Christmas is obviously not a secular holiday.




  1. I can go to church and sing in the choir if I want, and still be an atheist. I can set up a christmas tree and load it with presents, and still be an atheist. I can read the bible from cover to cover, and still be an atheist. I can attend a service at your synagogue, and still be an atheist. I can light seven candles if I so choose, and still be an atheist.

  2. I totally disagree with you.  I think the fact that the so-trumpeted Christians stole the holiday from the Pagans is what doesn't make sense.  Why?  No doubt because of jealousy and an uncontrollable need to have the spotlight at all times

  3. Ummm well, I do live in America and here, [at least where I live, and I believe most other places around here.] Christmas had kinda lost it's meaning. It's not all about Jesus' birth and everything with a lot of people. I mean, I'm sure some people still look at it religiously but it's kinda just become about the presents, tree, lights, excuse to visit family, eat lots of food, blahblahblah...kindof another "Hallmark holiday." :-P

    I don't know whether or not to say it's secular. Ummm I actally do know a bunch Jewish or half-Jewish people that celebrate Christmas and Hannukah (spelling?) but just because it's considered secular doesn't mean everyone has to celebrate it.

  4. When I was living in Saudi Arabia, many of the muslims that worked with my parents would come to our home during Christmas time and bring presents for us and attend Christmas parties. These muslims were not of the super-conservative or radical doctrine. They were trying to be sensitive and respectful of our traditions.

    Same for Ramadan. We always gave small gifts to muslim families in honor of Ramadan. I attended several Eid feasts at the end of Ramadan, and I enjoyed myself as if it was my own holiday.

    Just because I celebrated the Eid holidays does not make me a muslim, but it also doesn't make me less of a christian.

    Holidays should be a time when we come together and find commonalities with our fellow man. Not look for differences to argue about.

    Also wanted to point out that maybe you don't celebrate Christmas because you already have a rich cultural heritage that celebrates another important holiday around the same time as Christmas. I've never celebrated Hannakah because I grew up knowing few practicing Jews, but I wouldn't think twice about honoring Hannakah if a Jewish friend invited me over to celebrate.  

  5. hmmm.......... i think its just what people choose to do. the Non- christian people dont really know what christmas is all about. so they just do it cuz everyone else does it and its a "holiday" but i really think everyone just thinks christmas is about getting presents and no one really thinks about the rest of it. your'e so right i mean i know jewish kids that celebrate christmas also. and i know some greedy people who celebebrate hanahka(?) idk if i spelled that right. and there not even jewish. so i think people just dont realize they shouldnt be celebrating certian holidays. because yes there not secular holidays.

  6. The only thing "Christian" about Christmas is the name.  Everything else was stolen from the pagans, including celebrating the birth of a "crucified savior born of a virgin etc (Mithra)", parties, trees, gifts, etc etc.  Kids grow up celebrating the day because of the arrival of Santa and continue to do so with their own children.

  7. You're a little grumpy about Christmas....why would you ask a question about it if it makes you so mad?

  8. Why do people who claim to be Christians celebrate Xmas?

    Jesus wasnt even born December 25th, and Christmas Trees are forbidden by the Bible (Jeremiah 10:2)...

  9. And why do you suppose your idea  of what constitutes a secular holiday is the only correct idea?  Christmas happens to be a secular as well as a religious holiday.  Further, I don't have to justify celebrating it to you, even though I'm not a religious person any more than you have to justify to me your decision on whether or not to keep kosher.  

  10. It's not all about Jesus to everyone.  Some view it as a time for family, fun and tradition. Do you believe in Santa? If not, do you have a Santa up in your home? Christian or not, people can celebrate/believe in what they choose for that day.  Or any day for that matter.

  11. I love Christmas even though all that Jesus stuff is just silly to me. Presents and turkey, decorating trees, singing songs and elves, Santa, reindeer; that stuff is great.

  12. I can't speak for anyone but myself.  But, my mom was protestant, my dad was catholic.  They both became distanced from their religion for different reasons, and my siblings and I were brought up as neither.  But, they always had a celebration on Christmas day, and Christmas Eve.  So for our family, "Christmas", is a celebration of our family and being able to be together and be thankful to have our family's love around us.

    I don't think you have to be Christian to have a day of love and gratitude to celebrate.

  13. I'm an atheist, and I celebrate it because my family does.  I just leave out the religion part of it, so it becomes a "winter celebration."  Loads of cultures have a holiday around that time, as it is very near the solstice.  If my family were of another faith, I'd do the same with those traditional holidays.  The "Christmas" part isn't important, but that family part is.

  14. I love Xmas, I was born a muslim!!!

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