
Why do some plants alter Human consciousness?

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What is the explanation for this?

Is there some design or is it just a matter of chance?





  1. How this happens is the chemical structure of the plant chemical happens to be close to, or even the same as, the structure of the neurotransmitters in our brains.  Because they are similar they can bind to the same brain sites as our chemicals.  The slight differences in structure can give the plant chemicals different properties than our brain chemicals so that makes our brains operate oddly and we experience strange things.

  2. It's the plants natural defense mechanisms that cause it. Different chemicals that the plant develop to prevent animals from eating them have psychoactive effects on humans.

  3. Its just a matter of chance.

    Most animals avoid these plants by instinct but humans... who can be sure?

    Yew is a common plant that is put in graveyards to stop farmers allowing in their livestock.

    Atropa Belladonna is both toxic and hallucinogenic.

    Cocoa is fine for humans but dangerous for dogs and cats.

    its survival of the fittest as they say.

    If a plant doesnt have the protection it needs to survive then it will be eaten or will die - then a different one comes along and manages to handle its predators.

  4. Tyler is right

    in addition, you should learn there are very few "Why" questions that can be answered.  "how" is much easier to study and answer."

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