
Why do some poets refuse to allow email contact?

by  |  earlier

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Are they worried someone will write and criticize their poetry?




  1. Probably cant take criticism easily.........or they don't want people emailing them telling them to stop....that's what would do, if I had time those d**n poems somewhere else.

  2. The only reason I can think of is they fear harrassment and/or criticism. I allow e-mail, but had to block instant messaging because a girl was...well, I guess you could say "stalking" me, but she in fact wanted my son. Like I was going to put him up on the auction block or something. It was very weird...

    If you're trying to contact a particular poet why not make a poem about it? They could then e-mail you @Y/A and go from there... Good luck!

  3. I would answer no, to your question. If poems are posted, they

    get criticize. I myself never have had open email, reason being when I went on yahoo answers, I was NEW, to computers, not savy at all, and will never have it totally mastered, So I was very cautious, as to the negative warnings

    that also comes with use of computers.

    I do believe it would be nice to chat with others, maybe one day I shall have the confidence in self to do so.

  4. because they think their island has all the coconuts they need.

  5. I think they may just be afraid of being inundated with loads of crazy messages or that they'd get stalkish hate mail.  At least that was my fear when I first joined Y!A.

  6. They are worried about the fan mail they will get after posting their "stuff" on

    Wow, am I ever kidding.........

  7. I think that they do not wish to "socialize" - whether it be positive OR negative. ♥

  8. I don't know if it's that. I've always had an open e-mail account, and rather like it when a poet e-mails me with a harsher critique than they answered with for fear of all the thumbs downs. No fear of criticism here...but maybe for others...who knows.

  9. I'm not sure, I've always allowed email contact on my account and have never had a problem. They could possibly be worried about people being overly rude and harsh on their work, but they are missing out on being able to "chat" and share ideas with some really great people on here.

  10. Some people have lives, with actual things to do.

  11. Our very own Buk is an amazing poet....ask him!!!!

    He allows e-mails!!

  12. Terminal shyness, perhaps.

  13. That's a good question and i think they do not want crank emails by haters i guess.They could always just have people email them thru yahoo questions and answers and that way your real name is not on the email' as only your avatar name is.I have tried to email several people  just to find they have no email' and i think what there missing' getting messeges from friends and foe alike..

  14. possibly. maybe they feel their anonymity is compromised. They are not just an avatar and funny name anymore. Personal poetic space? basically suspicious and wary of being ripped off creatively.

  15. "Hi!",

    Because if your a good poet. I.e; Yourself, TD and Neonman. People like myself bug the **** out of them to get an honest opinion on their work.

    Thanks by the way......

    Cheers : )

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