
Why do some point to * John 10: 30 as proof of the Trinity when the Holy spirit is Never Mentioned?

by Guest62733  |  earlier

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Even after Jesus’ death, God raised him to life again and gave him glory greater than he had before. However, he was still not equal to his Father. How do we know? Because later the inspired Scriptures state that God is still “the head of the Christ.” (1 Cor. 11:3) The Bible also says that Jesus is to reign as God’s appointed king until he has put all enemies under his feet, and that then shall “the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all.” (1 Cor. 15:28, AV)

What Say Ye on the matter?




  1. Because people who have been brainwashed by their religious leaders need to feel like there is some proof that Jesus is God.  And yet, this "proof" text doesn't even point to the Holy Spirit (or Ghost as some people think it's translated).  

    I don't get why people are so set on believing this man made false doctrine... What it is actually, is a successful ploy by Satan to get people sidetracked from hearing the Truth or actually reading the whole Bible to get the context.

    Jesus NEVER said he was God, and wow...there are a thousand other ways to prove the Trinity is false.

  2. It seems you might be trying to reinvent the wheel friend. The Holy Trinity doctrine was debated and decided many centuries ago.

  3. Because the Holy Spirit is the LOVE between the Father and the Son. So, wherever the two of them are, the Father and the Son there also IS the HOLY SPIRIT.

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