
Why do some police think its their job to harass the public

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Why do some police think its their job to harass the public




  1. harass?  I have yet to "harass" anyone who hasn't committed any form of crime.

  2. Somebody's got to do it.

  3. Well first off depends on what the person has been charged for.. I know here where i'm at when my cousin was a young teenager he was a regular h**l raiser, and the city cops got him everytime, and they made it so he lost his drivers liences..

    I'd say that there are good and bad cops.. you just gotta realize that not all cops are the same.. they are doing what they get paid to do ... if u are having problems with one cop and your not doing anything wrong go to the captain at the police station and talk to him..

  4. Why is it the some or the public think its their job to harass the police?

    Perhaps your the guy that walks around taunting the police and then wonder why they bother you.  You must be careful of the kind of attention you bring to yourself.  Most of the time those kind of people don't give a rats x*x about anybody but themselves anyway.

  5. Steroids

    God complex

    Small p***s

    'nuff said.

  6. Because of the  power that they have.

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