
Why do some poor misinformed people still believe global warming is real?

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There is so much evidence today that Global warming is not only innacurate, but not even man made.

it has been proven time and time again to be a result of sun spots and other natural causes.

and yet the Democratic world still sends death threats to scientists that say otherwise.

its like we're claiming the world is flat again and shooting everyone that dissagrees!

please share your thoughts...




  1. If you think that you are correct in your statements, why don't you come out in the open and refute what the leading scientists of the world found in their research?. You are free to present your own scientific evidences too (if you have any scientific proof to prove your point). The world we live in is a world of facts. And if you don't present facts, then you lose the case (as in the court of law).

    All of the leading scientists had presented their facts on the cause of global warming, and so far no one had refuted them. Maybe you could be the first to do so.

  2. i use to think it wasn't real then i went to college and got a degree in environmental science and my mind was freed... it is real the real question is how much faster is it occurring do to our actions

  3. it's real. the debate is whether man is causing it or not. Since the ice caps are melting on Mars, I say no. The sun is causing it.

  4. Belief requires faith.

    Nature = Good, Fragile, easily broken/destroyed, unable to adapt, and unable to be repaired

    Humans = Destroyer of Nature (Bad), Greedy, in short evil

    Are you one of the enlightened “good” humans in the sea of evil ones, whose actions will save the planet that would otherwise be doomed in a few years?  Ok.  You are there.  Wait… now they say your actions for good or bad are too small to change anything climatic.  Even if you could change things for the “bad” the effects would not be felt until long after you are dead.   Which would you want to believe?  You have your faith in your theories that you are doing good.  That is fine.  There is already in the US a separation of Church and State, separation of “Environmentalism” and State might be a good idea to.

  5. Such people are following the 'natural born leaders' of the movement. BTW, the movement, if successful, will triple taxes including a global energy use tax with monies going to the U.N. and make it almost impossible for anyone except the party elite to travel anywhere due to extortion at the fuel depots.

    Anyway, the power of the natural born leaders is due to the contributions of the natural-born led.

    They belive because they have been told to believe, through movies and 'truthaganda' programming on their tv set.

    Shoot, a politician MUST know more about climatological science than a _scientist_...right?  After all, the politician _did_ win an oscar!

  6. The only people who have "proven" that climate change is not an-made, are the people who get paid by the corporations that pollute the environment.

    Any peer-reviewed study, shows that global climate change is up since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.

    When I was in college, in the seventies, we did a study on the local climate in Brooklyn, NY.  We found that the temperature was steadily increasing since there were weather records kept.  When we looked at the 12-14 year cycle of sun spots, we found no correlation in the data.

    My point is that there have been some of us who have been saying that the world has been getting warmer, due to pollution for the past thirty five years, and just now people are starting  to listen.

    I don't know where your information about scientists getting death threats comes from, but I have heard of none regarding climate change.

    It is within the best interests of corporations that pollute to put forth the illusion that climate change is not made by people.  If they told us the truth, it would cost them, and their shareholders a lot of money to retool everything, and get their plants and such running cleaner, or even cutting production of the pollutants that cause climate change, and looking for alternatives.  So what these corporations do, is to fund "research" which starts with a premise, and works backwards, instead of the other way around.  They do not have the work reviewed by peers in the field, in scientific publications, or the like.  They then put it out to the public, and tell them that climate change is a hoax, when they, in fact, are the creators of the hoax that climate change is a 'natural' occurance.

  7. Science would be your answer.

    For anecdotal examples of global warming:

    Have you been to Alaska lately? Coastal towns are being forced to move inland because the tundra (that's soil + ice) is melting away into the sea.

    You might also want to check the news sites for articles on glaciers melting all over the world *at the same time*.  I really doubt sun spots could explain that. It takes constant, consistent heat to do that.

  8. ****FACT*****There is a glacier in Greenland that is melting at 5feet per day this is faster than ever before IN ALL OF RECORDED HISTORY.

    ****FACT**** All of the ice on earth reflects the sun and the water absorbs the sun's heat.  So as the ice melts there is more water to absorb the sun's heat.

    ****FACT****there is a hole in the ozone layer

    ****FACT****Pollution is contributing to that hole

    So you see, even if you don't believe in Global warming these facts are still facts.

    And all you have to do is conserve your power a little and you can help stop this

    Why not just give it a try?

    The worst that can happen is you save a little on your power bill

  9. You don't have to believe or not believe. Science is like that. It's not Santa. Your do not actually need to validate my reality, it's still here.

  10. Tell ya what! Why don't you go into your garage, shut the door, crank up your pollution machine and sit down for about a half hour. Then we'll discuss whether global warming is real.

    Better yet, take the short cut and just duct tape your lips to the exhaust pipe.

  11. Because of this silly little thing called science.

  12. Global warming is, unfortunately, a political football, but it is recognized by plenty of intelligent conservatives as well as liberals.  Al Gore just happens to be playing it for money and influence, while living in a mansion that is an obscene waste of natural resources.

    The earth's population continues to grow and consume more resources, while putting megatons of pollutants into the air.  It can't be stopped, but it needs to be controlled within reason.  Both sides of the political aisle are attempting to do this, while also trying to reduce our dependence on foreign oil.  The Bush administration has spearheaded this effort, despite many politically motivated claims to the contrary.  

    We know the polar icecaps are disappearing and dthe sea level is rising, while centers of civilization like Venice and New Orleans are sinking into the sea.  The attempt to save New Orleans is a monumental waste of money for political gain (or in the case of the Bush administration, to avoid political loss).

  13. You know if you're gonna be talking garbage, at least have some proof...  Who says it's not true? Right wing funded scientists?  How can it not be true?  

    If the O-zone layer keeps all of our oxygen and elements in our atmosphere, then why won't it do the same with all the smoke and everything else that we spew up into the air?  Why don't you think that after enough of this there will be no repercussions?

    You Bush Baby

  14. Global warming is real.  The bigger question is global warming man-made or natural.  My thoughts are that global warming is a naturally occurring phenomena.  Do we contribute to global warming, I am sure we do.  If we could eliminate all of man's contribution to global warming it would change nothing.  The biggest contributors of greenhouse gases are things like volcanoes and cows.  The earth has gone through many cycles of warming and cooling.  History tells us that at one time there were glaciers covering North America, Europe and Asia.  Global warming took care of the glaciers.  Yes we need to clean up our act but we do not need this hysteria.  It does not help anything to polarize people and to denigrate those that do not agree with your point of view.  So what I am saying is that Gore may be partially right but so are the people who say global warming is natural.

  15. To add to what Dana1981 already said;

    Carbon dioxide has been recognized for over 100 years as a greenhouse gas.  The atmospheric level of CO2 presently is higher than it's been in over 500,000 years.  For most of that time, the level held relatively constant, but in the last 100 years, the amount has increased to about 30% higher than the historical high average.


    And, before you trot out the argument that CO2 isn't an important greenhouse gas, by itself it contributes about 20% to global warming ( and humans are a major contributor of it.

    Short answer: anyone who argues that global climate change isn't ocurring, and that humans aren't causing it, is deluding themselves.  We are engineering our own extinction while we argue that it's a natural occurance.

  16. I beleive that global warming is a natural phenomenon that is a consequence of complex interactions between the sun and the earth's orbit and weather patterns.

    I also believe it can be exacerbated by the actions of the human race (burning of fossil fuels creating problems in the atmosphere).

  17. Exodus 20. 1-6

    Leviticus 26. 13-24, 27-28, 30-34

  18. Way to state your opinions without providing any scientific evidence to support them.  Here's how you make a convincing argument:

    You say sunspots are to blame for global warming.  Here's a plot showing global temperature, atmospheric CO2 levels, and sunspot activity from 1850-2000:

    Doesn't really look like sunspots have much to do with it huh?  Let's see what some climate science experts have to say about solar activity in relation to global warming:

    "A new scientific study concludes that changes in the Sun's output cannot be causing modern-day climate change."

    Solar activity has decreased as global warming has increased.  So it's not the sun.  What was your other theory?  "Other natural causes"?  Well gee, that's not the least bit vague.  Now what could you mean by "other natural causes"?  Volcanoes perhaps?

    "Man-made (anthropogenic) CO2 emissions overwhelm this [volcanic] estimate by at least 150 times"

    Plus volcanoes spew out particles which block sunlight and cause global dimming and thus global cooling.  So it's not volcanoes.  Hmm, what else could it be?  Tell you what, let's just look at climate models which just factor in "natural causes", climate models which just factor in human causes, and climate models which factor them both in, and compare those models to global temperature measurements over the past century.  That should show that your theory is accurate, right?  I'm sure it will - check page 9 here:

    "We found the late 20th century dominated by greenhouse gas warming and sulphate aerosol cooling, both anthropogenic. Any solar effect was swamped, as might be expected given the smaller size of the forcing and its partial

    degeneracy with the anthropogenic forcings, as shown above."

    Uh-oh, that says that solar activity and other natural causes can't account for the warming over the past 40 years or so.  But that's the opposite of what you said the scientific evidence concludes!  Well no, actually you just said "so much evidence".  Maybe it's religious evidence?  Maybe it's evidence that only exists in your mind?

    Regardless, clearly I'm more informed than you, and I believe that not only is global warming real (this is an indisputable fact), but that humans are the primary cause of the acceleration in global warming over the past 40 years.  Sorry bud, science is not on your side.

  19. Please don't be stupid. I hate when people try to ask questions like this.

  20. because Al Gore invented the internet, and he says so.

  21. It's that kind of attitude that is causing the human race to destroy this planet.  It's so sad.

    Yes, there's been global warming before (ie:  the end of the ice age).  Yes, some of our current situation is caused by natural causes.  However, there is a lot of scientific evidence that shows that humans are the cause of much of global warming.  In my opinion because we're causing much (most?) of the problem it's our responsibility to fix it.

    Being responsible for the planet doesn't mean we all have to turn into crazy tree hugger people who live in the woods and subsist on roots & berries.  What it does mean is to drive a vehicle that uses the least amount of gas as your family situation will allow, recycling, turning off the water when you're not using it, occasionally picking up the garbage that you see on the side of the road in your neighborhood, not littering, etc.  If you really want to get crazy, put your computer or tv on a power strip and shut it off when not in use (these devices use a lot of energy when even on standby mode).

    Ok, those are my thoughts.  Thanks for the forum to put them on.  I hope that you're being responsible for your impact on the earth!

  22. Well well lets assume that during the last couple of decades the solar activity is greater than ever. And the surface of the Earth is "hotter" then ever due to this activity.

    But still there are millions of tones of pollution that we humans throw out in the in the atmosphere so my suggestion is that this has an effect as well.

    Let's see now. If we assume that the universe is infinite, then let's start polluting the space for it will take us infinite time to do that!

    Problem solved :)

  23. The USA Today 2/1/07 can't be a complete lie but I'm sure you're convinced it is.

  24. any sources for that?

    is Al Gore poor?

    I'm a Republican and I know you are just talking out of your ***

  25. This one gets my goat.  These people say that cons are brainwashed, but at the same time we manage to see through this c**p.  They cannot even think for themselves, they have to get Al Gore to do it for them.

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