
Why do some ppl beleive that their child is better then your child or you for that matter?

by Guest63208  |  earlier

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Why do some ppl beleive that their child is better then your child or you for that matter?




  1. have children and you will see :)

    i mean sure we know our kids arne't "better than everyone elses kids"

    but to us they are :)

  2. Because to every parent their kids are!

  3. It happens. I am not sure exactly why. Ego I guess.  

  4. i think ultimatly it is all about the parents and there abilty to raise a child to standards that only they think they can in thinking the child is better then they think they are better.if they would only sit for a min together an hit the tribal pipe they would figure out were all bad kids triny to to do the right thing.

  5. Because it's their child-they hold that child over and above everyone else..It's a parental thing..I used to ask the same thing-now that I have a daughter-I understand..

  6. My child is better than you because he can spell properly...Sorry, I had to tease ya a little.

    I'll answer your question with a question:

    If you can't be proud of your own child, then who will?

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