
Why do some ppl feel Barack is trying to ?

by  |  earlier

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run for just black ppl as the president. I want to know he's a nice, honest, man (WE WANT CHANGE). How come some ppl want him to just talk about black ppl struggle and all this other stuff, for God's sake he's running for president of the united states not pres of african american in america we(as blacks ppl) never told white presidents to treat black ppl fair, I mean let's look at katrina(hurricane) I think it's the crab in the barrell, some ppl of our race are not willing to accept a black president.

they say he put down blacks just by "keeping it real" about so many black homes not having fathers I know the truth hurt but D*AMN cant we get over hating our own, or it wont never be like that??

and for the record we know this is a stragestic game running for president, now how does this look you have alot of black ppl saying he's not keeping it real or he talks down to black ppl when in reality if they WERE really playing the game uplifting their race, wouldn't most of those jealous black politicians(messy jackson alshit on, and the rest would try to make sure he get in office first and then let him try to run it the way they see america should be ran, cause now he's in office and he know he had his so called down black strong brothers behind him so he can look out for his race, just like they been doing speacilly that man mr.jackson sorry mr. jackson but dont you have a kid out of wedlock so basically you couldn't be there for your child even if you want too, that's the real reason you want to cut off the man balls or you didnt have the balls to run.

Why is s'pose black leaders attacking Barak

Obama(that's my question in a nut shell)??




  1. I love your names for Jesse and Al!

    I'm not black, so I can't weigh in too heavily on those issues, but you are right--this is going to be the leader of our country if he is elected. It shouldn't be about race, but it seems to be the main theme in this election. As for Al and Jesse...if it doesn't benefit them, meaning it doesn't cause a controversy and put them in the spotlight, they criticize. I so wish black people would hold a rally and confront those two. I bet if asked some hard questions, they couldn't come up with an answer or a solution. They just want to cry in front of the camera and pretend to be looking out for the interests of black people when in reality, it's all about them. Hopefully, we end up with someone who can effectively run the country and the network to get it there.

  2. I can't tell if you are for or against Obama.  

    No one wants to read all that run-together drivel.

    Make your point.  If you are for Obama, you are not helping him with rambling c**p like this.

    Think it out, make your point.  Stand up for it.  If asked, in your face, could you make an intelligent, impassioned argument for your candidate? If not, GET THERE!  

    Or just shut up - you contribute nothing with "questions" like this.

  3. LOL you type a lot, I just came to say am voting for him....whoops already did lol.

    Ok I read a few things, but in my opinion I think its sad since blacks voted nothing but for old white men and no one cared or said a word. Now a biracial guy now they want to act as if blacks are choosing he is half white. Some just need to grow up and leave Hitlers idea of a pure race existing alone.

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