
Why do some ppl think that ppl only cut themselfs just to get attention ?????

by  |  earlier

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i mean i kno that if somebody dosnt even bother to hide the cuts or if they go around telling ppl they cut then they obviosly just want attention

but if somebody hides the scars and cuts in a place where ppl wont see it and dosnt tell anybody are they still doing it for attention ??

cuz i never told anybody and when they found out now everybody is accusing me of being a attention w***e

but im not

why would i even bother to hide it if i was




  1. People mock what they don't understand. It's a stupid stereotype that if you cut then you're just looking for attention, they don't understand so they follow that. They don't question that belief either because it's easier and they don't have to accept that you may need their help.

    If you find someone that helps you out of everyone that knows, hang on to them as a friend!

    (Hope you feel better and stop cutting though)

  2. because some do only want attention. obviously not ALL, just some. most wouldn't want anybody to find out.

    i have to say though, i've given up hiding it (mostly) and so don't always bother. i DEFINITELY don't flaunt it, i just don't freak myself out looking for wristbands and bracelets and long sleeves. this doesn't mean i want any attention... it just means i've given up hiding it. the people who matter already know about it, and still love me. why bother?

    i'm talking about old scars, but fresh cuts are a different story. i wouldn't want people seeing that.

    to answer your question, when people don't understand something, they can place blame and make fun. they don't bother to do any research to see just why somebody would turn to it. this is ignorance and it will never go away.

  3. Because deep down some people don't care.  

  4. Many people are confused. Cutting is a coping mechanism to deal with stress like drugs. See this site for that and advice for teen girls.

    Why was your account suspended?

  5. If someone tells people that they cut and shows the cuts to others and asks those other to keep an eye on them, then yes it is for attention.

    If someone is sneaky and cuts themselves in places where they can hide it, or doesnt tell other people then they are in need of some help from a medical practitioner or a psychiatrist.

    The only reason why they hide it is because they are ashamed that they do it and know that other people would disapprove of their doin git.

  6. people say a lot of things just to have something to say may have never experienced it or know anyone who has but just because they have the right to they do don't let that bother you if you know that you don't do it for attention then you have nothing to worry about  

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