
Why do some pro-choice people go to ridiculous lengths to attack pro-life people?

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I'm not bringing up an abortion debate so much as I am bringing up the methods used to debate.




  1. The pro-choice people are really saying that the pro-life people should have to deal with the consequences of getting their way, not simply protest and let someone else worry about what happens to the babies.  If they could ensure that all the babies would have good lives then maybe fewer abortions would occur.

  2. Because it's a hot topic, and everyone uses any means they can to prove their point.  The questions might have been a bit over the top, but then, your answer might have been a bit over the top too - you might have been being more tongue in cheek than people realised, but then those questions might have been more tongue in cheek than people realised - I don't think pro-lifers and pro-choicers are ever going to agree about what is a fair argument, any more than they are going to agree about abortion itself.  Just my 2 cents :-)

  3. I think whatever animosity there may could just possibly have something to do with all the clinics that Pro-Lifers bombed and all those innocent people and doctors and nurses they've murdered and all that blood they threw all over Pro-Choice women entering and leaving clinics and all those photos of blood and headless babies and fetal tissue and such all over Pro-Choice women's cars that Pro-Lifers felt compelled to leave in order to try to make Pro-Choice people feel "bad".

    Edit: I believe people like you and others with good intentions get thrown in with the "mad bombers" because of pseudo-reasoning, generalization and because of the entire dichotomization (sp?) of this issue, how it's a two-sided battle, and people get off on that "rivalry".

  4. This argument goes both ways and I am sure that there are people on both sides who feel like they are being attacked. That is just how it goes when a question is so devisive.

  5. It's anger towards one person telling another what they can or cannot do. People get all self richeous and start telling others what they think is right or wrong and what you can or can't do. If Bin Laden had his way, he would take away all abortions and put us all under burka's. He'd be able to stone us if he so chose for any discretion he felt was worthy of stoning.

    Many people get verbally stoned for even saying they are pro-choice. Those that think about getting abortions would not consider it as much if they knew nice people would adopt their child. But in the United States we have many children that never find a home to adopt them. Leaving a child in the system to face horrors that pro-lifers just simply ignore.

    Pro-lifers often scream and have a fit if anyone considers abortion, yet the moment the child is born, it's left on it's own. Those same people feel they did their job and walk away. Leaving the child unwanted, unloved, uncared for.. and possibly worse.

    Out of every state and every county are reports that more than half of the children in foster care are in inappropriate homes. This is why they give bad parents their children back... foster homes can be far worse. More than half the states claim that more than 75% of foster care has inappropriate homes. But no one works to fix that system.. just demand more babies be born... for what reason.. i don't know.

    Now, having said all of that... I know i could not abort a child. I know a few who have though and i know no one goes into it lightly. I know it's hard for them to get over it and i know no one needs to judge them.

    Rule number one that many forget... do not judge others, least you be judged!

  6. I don't know about you, but I am tired of being attacked for supporting the right of the unborn child. It makes me sick seeing how many people don't care if the child lives or dies. Also I hate how they think that a child who is abused would be better off if he was just aborted. These people need to realize that they can't dish this out if they can't take it back. It's tiresome doing what is right, but I know that God promises a  blessing for those who do his will and spread his love and those who stand up for the little ones.

  7. Somebody claimed the first amendment. Speech does have regulations. In a way, their statements are defamating and libel. Anyways, these people are power hungary. It could come from polar extremes. Either they have been overpampered or they have been neglected, but have a will to power.

  8. I think you have it backwards.

  9. it's a two way street. anti choicers often use their own brand of twisted logic.

  10. I think patois hit the nail on the head.

    Pro choice people do not go to nearly the ridiculous lengths " pro lifers ' do, that is murder!

    Of course any one who dares to oppose your " moral ' position with the science is wrong by your lights!!

  11. How do you support the unsupportable?  You go on the attack.  Deep down, they know they are wrong.  How can ending a human life be anything but wrong?  Your answer was perfectly clear.

  12. This argument goes both ways and I am sure that there are people on both sides who feel like they are being attacked.  That is just how it goes when a question is so devisive.

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