
Why do some pro-choicers think it is a pro-lifers job to raise the children.?

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Abortion is a band-aid on the bigger issue of rampant selfishness and irresponsiblility that is ravaging this nation. To prove this point, a favorite question on here is "Why won't pro-lifers raise the unwanted babies" Frankly, I think the term "unwanted baby", proves the point of selfishness, in and of itself. But to add to this, either way(abortion, foster, child abuse, etc,) the person who should be held responsible , gets a free ride. What is the logic behind this common statement and don't you think a cure for the illness of selfishness should be sought? Shouldn't we address the larger issue and stop putting band-aids on an already festering wound?




  1. I'm pro-choice and therefore defend a woman's right to have - or not have, a child.  If they choose to have a child, I think it's a safe asumption that she also plans on raising it.  'unwanted' children are the result of women going full term because they couldn't bare the thought of abortion so now there's an unwanted child available for adoption by folks unable to have their own biological child.

    Abortion is not a band-aid - it's a medical procedure.  I also think this world could use a few less people and I also think that people are not that important in the whole scheme of things.  Not every pregnancy needs to result in a live birth - it's that simple.  Those ending in live births should, in an ideal world, be welcomed into the arms of its loving parents.  What's so selfish about all the above?  Perhaps there are deeper personal issues for you relating to the 'unwanted child.'

  2. I'm making a point not to read other answers on this one until I've answered myself so as not to be influenced by what others have said.

    Yes it's selfish to say that.  But that's the way society in general is becoming.  Nobody takes responsibility for anything anymore.  I think abortion is more a product of that mentality rather than a cause.  I won't go into all the ways in which people lay blame on somebody or something else in society because I could probably write a book on that subject.  

    Abortion in most cases is basically a selfish act.  Once in a while there will be a real medical reason to do it.  I hate to waffle on anything, but I just can't make my mind up in a case of rape.  In any other circumstance I can't understand why abortion is right (incest without rape is on the mother and father).  

    They'll get around this by saying "it's a fetus."  Who decides that?  The medical terms can change one day.  Heck, we could have 16 divisions and medical terms to describe a baby's development one day.  Scientists could one day decide to delete the words fetus, zygote, and anything similar from our vocabulary.  That's not a good argument to make.

    If you're "mature" enough to have s*x, you should be mature enough to handle the possibility that a pregnancy might be the result (this goes to fathers too who want to abandon kids, but that's another story).  

    Selfishness is the real issue like you say.  That's infested all corners of society today so it will be extremely hard to eradicate.  When you really think about it, it's human nature to be selfish.  The problem is selfishness is accepted, and to a lagre extent encouraged these days.  There's a lot more problems than abortion that comes from selfishness, some that are worse in my opinion but you mentioned abortion specifically so I'll stick to that.

    People who say pro-lifers should take care of the baby are just trying to smear pro-lifers.  I think if we're going to say that then any pro-choicers should be required to have an abortion if they get pregnant.  It's only fair, right?

    I'm glad you understood it.  I was trying to watch TV and answer this at the same time.  That's usually not a good idea on something this deep.

    Hah!  My answer spawned an entirely new question.  The Rebel Man is influential.

  3. You Are The Ones Who Say Go With Adoption. Practice What You Preach.

    EDIT: So you expect children to raise children?

  4. It is none of our business but if I come over into your life sticking my nose in your business you are going to tell me to take responsibility for whatever it is I am having a problem with. So if someone doesn't want someone to be able to have a legal abortion then they should be willing to adopt the child or not judge someone else who doesn't want to raise a child.

  5. anti choicers want to make it their business.

  6. What's the larger issue anyway?EDIT //////////////////////   There is nothing wrong with adoption. Stop being so self righteous. A lot of your high and mighty statements prove your holier than though attitude.

  7. Uh, kid you miss the point. The unwanted " babies ' as you call them are really aborted fetuses.

    The pro choice people are setting you a thought experiment that you need to falsify; not misunderstand.

  8. The problem is that pro-lifers assume that all abortion is done by adult women who think the baby is inconvenient.

    This is not the case.  A large percentage of abortions are done by young girls-- girls who are in their early teens and in no way can raise a child.  Should they be held responsible for their actions?  Sure, but does that mean that a girl (not even a woman) should be raising a child?  How can a 14 or 15 year old take responsibility for their child?  

    Oh of course they shouldn't have been having s*x, however that is in part due to the parents irresponsibility (not totally, but parents are responsible to either limit sexual activity opportunity for their children or teach them about safe s*x).  What do you suppose these girls do?  What happens if they all give up their children for adoption but there are no longer people willing to adopt?  What happens to the children then?

    Or, what about a rape victim?  How is she to "take responsibility" for her actions?  Why must she bear and raise a child because another decided to rape her?

    Unfortunately, abortion is just not a clear cut issue.

  9. Because it's interferring with someone's life.

  10. There are many reasons for abortion that have little or nothing to do with selfishness, despite your opinion.  Unwanted children can lead horrible lives, children raised by children who treat them as pets that can be slapped, loved and fed on a whim,  children raised by crackheads that abuse them in ways the average mind can't conceive, children with health problems that cause them a lifetime of pain they are not capable of understanding.  It seems to me that if you are going to "save" unwanted children in order to allow them to be neglected, beaten, starved, sexually assulted and discarded you should bear some of the responsibility for what happens to them.

  11. A fetus has no concept of death, and is no more a complete human than the dead skin cells that fall off our bodies.  Sorry, kid, that's the way it is.  It is not your decision to tell others how to manage their lives.

    Repetitive abortion as an only means of birth control, of course not.  However, it needs to be accessible to those who need it.

  12. Couldn't agree with ya more!

  13. I don't get what you mean...are you saying that those that find themselves "in the family way," should just suck it up, turn their lives around, get good jobs, and prepare to become model parents who will NEVER abuse their kids, abandon their kids, starve their kids, etc? Yeah, they should....but what are we supposed to do about that?

    People who know that they are not ready to bring a child into the world, and take action to prevent that are doing the RIGHT thing...people who bring a child into the world because they "want" it, (but can't support it, can't take care of it) are the selfish ones.

  14. Not forced to raise babies, but it's a fair question.

    Seriously.Think about this.

    What is the REAL reason behind your views?

    Is it REALLY about the sanctity of life?

    Why don't the pro lifers put AS MUCH into caring for unwanted children as they do into trying to prevent abortion for being legal?

    If you're really worried about the value of life if it's really about love and respect for human life, then why doesn't the pro life group have an arm that focuses on improving life and supporting the existing life here?

    You seem to be all about quantity over quality.

    So once you're here, every man for himself? How is that going to help the world?

    No, the truth is this is about control for your group. Controlling women because you believe that is the key to changing our cutlure back into the Happy Days of the 50s. If you can force women to carry pregnancies to term you think that illicit s*x will decrease. Then there will be more adoptions and/or more caution. People will magically develop into less selfish human beings. Because really the JOY of parenthood will transform them into better people (eyeroll) or the sacrifice of giving them up will cause great growth of character.

    The truth is that's all a load. Pregnancy is nothing more than a biological event. You have s*x enough you will get pregnant if you're capable. The act of abortion is a medical procedure, it is the act of terminating the NOT FULLY FORMED but DEVELOPING from developing any further.

    It is still a sacrifice and a lesser of all the known evils.

    But it simply isn't punitive enough for your ilk. People need to suffer for their mistakes don't they?

    And since we're advertising I have three kids and one more on the way in December. Aren't you going to say congrats?!

  15. Actually, abortion isn't the problem at all. It is the lack of adequate s*x education in America, both at home and in school. If condoms were readily available and children were truly taught the risks of not using protection (as well as the benefits of *using protection) we would not only have much less of a problem to deal with as far as unwanted pregnancies, but also much less disease.

    The legality of abortion also prevents desperate women from getting wire hangers and trying to do it themselves (which almost inevitably ends up in the death of both woman *and* child due to uterine puncture and hemorrhage). And honestly, there's nothing about abortion that let's one get off "scot free." It is a traumatic and difficult procedure, and a traumatic and difficult decision to make. Certainly not a band-aid, and certainly not an easy fix or a form of birth control.

    What would you consider the larger issue to be?

  16. There's soooooooooo many options for birth control, I can't believe people who don't want a baby let themselves get pregnant.  Woman can get a 5 or 10 year IUD in them and never have to worrie about it.  I can think of like 10 bc methods right off the top of my head.   There is no reason it should ever even come to an unwanted pregnancy!!!  even if you're too poor to afford bc there's lots of places that hand out condoms & help people afford other methods of bc

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