
Why do some pundits consider Ronald Regan,John McCain,and Sarah Palin to be Mavericks?

by Guest64445  |  earlier

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The Media Labels them as Mavericks----I prefer to think of them as Solid Patriotic Americans that put America First with courage and honor.-------would like to hear your take on this please.




  1. A maverick is someone that does things how they see fit despite pressure from others to conform. Ronald Reagan was considered a maverick for several reasons, one of them being that he was pretty tough against the Soviets, to the point of being brutal, when the previous six presidents had been relatively more diplomatic.

    McCain is considered a Maverick because he has opposed other Republicans on various issues and been outspoken on what he sees as corruption or mistaken policy, in Iraq for example. Looking further back, McCain made something of a controversy by opposing Reagan's decision to station troops in Lebanon. Many feel that much of McCain's life is defined as being a Maverick.

    Simlarly, Palin is considered a Maverick because she has a reputation for fighting corruption in the Alaskan government, even when it meant going against members of her own party.

  2. Everyone in the Republican party tries to wrap themselves in the memory of Ronald Reagan.  He was a truly inspiring leader, like John Kennedy and Barack Obama.

  3. The media just follow the talking points that the campaign office gives them.

  4. They took on the government. Reagan took on government regulation and won. Reagan balanced the budget. John McCain took on wasteful spending and Sarah Palin took on the corrupt leaders of the Alaskan Republicans.

  5. The true definition of a maverick: One who has no brand,Is not owned by no one.In the old west it was a name given to Cattle that roamed the range land and had no owner and brand.Now used to expres a free willed soul.

  6. They are conservative at a time when it's cool to be liberal.

  7. The only thing "maverick" about Palin is her love of mooseburgers.

  8. A maverick trusts his gut.  A maverick sticks to his guns.  A maverick puts principles ahead of politics, no matter how intense the pressure.  McCain is a maverick.

    I nominate George W. Bush as maverick in chief.  Want another one?

  9. Because they are not scared of the devil, and they hate crooked politicians. And they are out to sit them down. Go McCain and Palin.

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