
Why do some "dudes" block you when you give an honest answer that points out their lack of knowledge?

by  |  earlier

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That's 'tha' question...sniff, snifff, wimper.




  1. I usually get blocked by people posting "baiting" questions.  I ususlly prove them wrong in spades.

    They can dish it out but can't take it.

  2. must have been a liberal - they can't handle facts. If you don't include "hope" and "change" in your answer, they will get angry. Watch out!

  3. We hate looking dumb in front of cute girls.

  4. they don't like the truth plain and simple  

  5. Men, especially (but not exclusively), do not like to be proven wrong. It's, most likely, to do with the hormone 'testosterone'.

    It's, probably, best to avoid having anything to do with anyone who cannot accept new information and change their point-of-view. They are bigots = one who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.

    Also, just because an answer is 'honest' does not, necessarily, make it 'right'. Make sure your own 'facts' are real ;-)

  6. because people dont like the truth. they wanna hear what they wanna hear. and if its not what they wanna hear then they get

  7. Works both ways, stupid cons block me all the time for my fact based dissertations

  8. They cannot stand the thought of a beautiful person to be smarter then they are.

    I have several that have blocked me. i do not miss them at all.

  9. For the same reason they give low ratings when you tell them the truth and they don't want to hear it.  It's the opposite of the answer they wanted.

  10. It's typical of those who can't hold their own in a debate.

    I only and always block those who block me. I figure if I can't answer their question they shouldn't be able to answer mine. And I think that should be an automatic Y/A feature.

    LMAO - I hadn't seen the answer that got you blocked until I went back and checked. He hasn't blocked me yet but I expect to be.

  11. Wow, that's a pretty dumb question.  You're proving your obvious lack of knowledge by asking that.  Who in their right mind ever wants to be told that they're dumb?  

  12. Look at my profile to see a list of cowards who have blocked me from answering their questions.

  13. Because it enables them to continue making false statements.

    I can remember being blocked by at least two guys. One was just called "Bob" and the other was either that "Pied Hussein Piper" guy or the one that was pretending to be him.

  14. John Steinbeck once said that people don't want advice, only affirmation.

    That about sums it up. No one wants their ignorance exposed.

  15. Liberals cant handle the truth.  FACT.

    2nd FACT:  They want to believe something bad enough they will activly refuse to hear the truth.  

    It's truly quite pathetic I assure you.

  16. do you seriously have to ask a question like that that shows your lack of knowledge.

  17. I like your pic.  I would prefer the word "fool" where you used the word "dude."

  18. Who knows.

  19. they don't want people to know someone else has looked at the facts on what they are saying , they want it their way or no way and cant deal with the defeat when it wont go that way , so the next best thing is to silence the ones who made them look like their knowledge has been compromised rather than congratulate a worthy opponent.

  20. It happens to me too, nothing special.  

  21. Yes, I get blocked by the neocons all the time.

  22. they take things to serious and they don't know how to have fun on the net...they do that to me all the time just because i speak with my balls

  23. because they can't handle the truth

  24. W.I.M.P.  what's that spell   Wimps, wimps, W.I.M.P. is the only thing I can come up with.....

  25. i dunno dude, every dude is different you know, cheer up dude

  26. That is called being a b i.t-ch, if a fella does that is what is known as a b*****d

  27. b/c they get butt hurt.

  28. It's your avatar.

    Or Yahoo is now blocking on every level of the Q&A format.

  29. When did you do something like that?

    Give an honest answer?

  30. because they are scared to think their dumb and you are actually right. people like to think they are better than the rest and when u point out something bad about them, they get mad at you because then they feel as if they are small and boom, they start getting frustrated and ends up with stupid conflicts. if i were u, i would point out the things and then if he accepts it, thats fine, if he doesnt then dont talk to him for a while and tel other ppl to not talk to him for a while so he can notice something is wrong

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