
Why do some rely so heavily on social construction, yet being g*y is generally seen as biological?

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Some groups (particularly feminists) define most behaviours as being constructed socially; however, when it comes to homosexuality, the biological imperative is most often cited as a "cause" for being g*y? What is your opinion?




  1. I view gender and sexual orientation as almost mutually exclusive.

    There are butch lesbians, and femme lesbians,  and g*y men have a spectrum of masculinity through effeminate-ness.  

    I see a clear distinction between sexual attraction (homo/heterosexuality) and behavior.   How else would closeted g*y men pull off a "happy family life"?  

  2. It is because a biological cause for something is considered immutable, unchangeable and so on.  This removes the idea that being g*y is a choice.  I agree that it is probably biological in most cases.  

    Humans have created strong social constructs that can strongly affect some people more than others.  Whether this is any cause for selection of sexual orientation, I cannot say.

    Studies have shown there is a possibility for there being "g*y genes", but I am not sure if this is actually true.

  3. Homosexuality isn't behaviour. It's sexual orientation that has been proven to be the result of genetics. People can control their behaviour, but they can't control who they would rather sleep with (between a man and a woman).

  4. Really?  I didn't think any conclusive proof has been found to say homosexuality is biological.

    Population pressures?

    So how do you explain the Greeks or Italians?  Really.  How silly is that?

    Homo or bi sexuals are what they are.  Some change!  What's the big deal?

  5. I thought being g*y was seen as a psychological influence not biological.

  6. Attraction is most definitely a biological imperative.  But I don't see what this has to do with feminism.  Feminists don't say that attraction is constructed--they say that gender roles and gender norms are constructed.  There is a difference.

  7. Research conducted by psychologists has found some evidence of biological differences between homosexual people and heterosexual people, but not enough differences to conclude that homosexuality is caused primarily by biological factors.  Meanwhile, there are still some persuasive theories that point to environmental factors as influential in forming gender identity and sexual orientation.  As far as I can tell, most psychologists believe that homosexuality is likely to be caused by a combination of factors.

    g**s have been persecuted for centuries because their sexual behaviour has been seen as immoral.  Ever since biological factors have been cited as possible causes, conservative people have been increasingly tolerant of homosexuality - if sexual orientation is biological, it is seen as something the person can't choose, and therefore not a matter of immorality.  However, conservative christians argue that homosexual s*x itself is immoral, even if homosexual orientation isn't.

    As long as being g*y is seen as something 'wrong', people will keep looking for a biological cause.  If being g*y were seen as 'normal' throughout society, it would be easier for people to accept an environmental cause.

  8. I consider being heterosexual biological too if that answers your question at all.

  9. I am sorry, I cannot answer this for you.  I tend to think the majority of it is biological.

  10. Interesting question...and hi!! (waving from over here).

    From my personal point of view,  it is proved that people are born homosexual, people don't become homosexual because of life circumstances.

    Besides the obvious biological differences between the sexes and the effects in personality characteristics due to hormonal chemicals, I believe we are strongly influenced by the medium we live in.

    Society, our culture and our upbringing shape who we are and the way we see ourselves and others, in this sense I believe that it influences the way we see or act on "gender".

    So I would say it is a combination of both things and this affects all of us humans, heterosexuals or homosexuals alike. It is a combination between nature and social influence.

  11. My opinion is that the idea of homosexuality being genetic is an idea taken seriously in the g*y community but not nessesarly in the rest of the world. I do concure that there are some g*y people who feel that ever since they can remember they knew they were attracted to the same s*x. The magority of these people were raised in an abusive home. But most g*y people chose to be g*y because;

    1. Thats what all their friends were doing.

    2. To rebel agianst parents and/or society.

    3. To be different.

    4. To get attention.

    5. To provide shock factor.

    Some of these people eventually decided later in life that they are straight and some stay in that life style. The Homosexual life style is in most cases a very addictive one for several reasons;

    1. Drug abuse is a widly accepted activity

    2. Alcholisum is also very accepted.

    3. s*x is very easy to get and very open (exspecially among g*y men)

    4. Attention is addictive also.

    So by claiming that their gayness is biological they can have special interest groups and parades. They can be as flamboyant as they want and party their lives away and have  groups fighting for their "rights" or lack there of. But the truth is this, being g*y is a choice, just as you choose to be a drug addict or and alcholic. Yes, these things can be considered "dieases" but you chose to drink everyday to began with, you chose to smoke crack that first time. g*y people Choose to nurish their homosexual feelings and broadcast them to everyone.

  12. I think it all happens TO you.  Society pushes you in certain directions, and individual chemistry in other directions.  People who dress up as Santa Claus likely do it because society likes Christmas AND because they are plump and jolly.

    I'm not sure about g*y Santas...

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