
Why do some restaurants use plastic wrapping for their straws instead of paper?

by Guest66033  |  earlier

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Don't they know that paper is probably better and more fun to play with while you wait??




  1. The have taken the pledge to do their part to destroy the planet.

  2. plastic is more sanitary.

  3. plastic doesnt seek through. like they can drop them, and the dirt wont stay unlike paper. um yeahh i love playing with paper straws I blow them off and hit people in the face.

  4. Depending on the company or the owner of the restaurants some may prefer paper over plastic, and some may prefer plastic over paper , sometimes it's all about the restaurants and their owners and what they think is best for the public and their safety .

  5. those paper wrappers aren't any good, most of the time when i get one they are torn or wet and i just throw it away.

  6. Plastic keeps it dry whereas paper isn't water proof.

    ...what do you mean paper is more fun? don't you have an MP3 player or something? wow, cheap thrills eh.

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