
Why do some say Obama is the anti Christ?

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Why do some say Obama is the anti Christ?




  1. i dont think so (by the way i hate obama so im not predjudiced) i think it is ahmadineajad (iranian pres.) have you heard his speeches? he says he wants to wipe israel off the map and how he and russia is working together, it is mentioned in the bible that there will be a world war when the (current) area of what used to be persia (russia and iran) joined forces. this is a scary world isnt it?

  2. Fear of the liberal socialist!!!

  3. they do

    maybe cuz of that S**t with his preacher.

  4. they do? idk first time i heard it

  5. There have been a lot of people with that title. Thomas Jefferson was named as Anti-Christ, Napoleon , Genghis Khan---the list goes on. You can name anyone with that odd title, it doesn't mean anything except that you're afraid of that person.

  6. Because people who have read the Biblical accounts of the anti-Christ are so sure that he will appear in their lifetime that they affix the label to any controversial public figure there is.

    Pope Benedict XVI has been called the anti-Christ, as has Pope John Paul II, Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and even Hillary Clinton.

    It happens... and will likely CONTINUE to happen well into the future.

  7. I've notice that it seem like for every president that has been in office in my life time someone calls them the anit-christ.

    It's pretty common for people to through the label of anti-chirst on some that is really powerful (or maybe in Obama's case) and have views on things they don't agree on.

    also I think people point to a line from Nostradamus about one of the signs of the end of the world is a black king taking over a white king.

    Of course Nostradamus writings are very vague and people tend to shoe horn their own ideals when trying to figure out what they mean.

  8. I can remember when people said Elvis was the Anti Christ lol.

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