
Why do some teens TyP LyK DiS?

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Well I have seen it all over the place (mainly on my space and stuff like that) and I want to know.

WHY (or should that be WhY?)

Its darn right annoying, AnD JsT TyPiN DiS It F***iNg TaKEs AgEs

So, what the bloody h**l is the point?

Its annoying, difficult to read, it looks stupid and takes ages, so WHY!?!




  1. they obviously have too much time on their hands, to be capitializing letters every 2 letters.

  2. I am 17 and I don't understand what you are saying when you write it that way. It's so hard to read. They probably think that they are being cool or something. I don't understand many chat words. I think that they do that because they talk to so many people online and it would waste energy to type it out.

  3. I have no idea. Maybe because they think it's cool, or because they don't know how to spell. Not all teens TyP LyK DiS ThO, because I don't, and I'm glad of that! :)

  4. I hate it when people TaLk LyK DiS ToO.  It's freaking ridiculous and it takes FOREVER!  It's mad annoying.  

  5. i don't write like that and i'm 14, i just can't be botherd to reead it or write it lol.

  6. Mainly because they think it makes them look cool but it doesnt

    i think that its stupid because it takes ages and you cant read it very easily

    although i shorten some words but that is mainky on msn but i hate it when people shorten nearly every one or phrase it is so confusing  

  7. lol, I don't know. I'm 13 and I don't type like that. (:

  8. I am 15 and I do not type like that, I completely agree with you that it is difficult to read and annoying. I also do not use abbreviations such as lol, g2g, brb... etc. I do not understand why people feel the need to type like that, it's not cool.

  9. CuS !t$ t!gHt LOL

    <<--- it luks purdy

    n ppl type in txt on da computr cus even tho theres more space, n u culd rite it out, its fastr not to, n jus do it like dis LOL

  10. Maybe because they think that its cool to type with there faces? I dunno tbh << hope u dont mind that, lol.

    Personally I think its just a waste of time and bad use of English.

  11. They think its cool To0 TyP3 LiK3 ThI$

    God that was hard and it was 4 words!

  12. Because they think they are cool.

  13. well, it's annoying, true.

    but they do it cause they like it.

    It takes longer for me to type like that.

    it actually takes longer for me to type like this too.

    THiiS T@KES 2 l0ng

    cause i'm use to the keyboard and typing with my eyes shut.  

  14. i think its dumb 2 type lyk tht cuz it would take 4ever 2 type n read

  15. yeah its sooo annoying!!! but i mean sometimes i write like AIM lingo when im texting or IM.

    like lol, brb, jk, and all that, i do that, but i cant stand it when people purposely spell wrong and use capitals all over the place!

  16. lol they think it's cute but it's not it's annoying and hard to read.

  17. It's just a trend, it maybe easier for the teens to do but i think it is really annoying. It'll soon stop when something new and supposedly cooler comes into fashion.

  18. slobbish behaviour infiltrates all aspects of life

  19. Cuz' people think their COoL. Lmao.

    Alot of young teenagers on MySpace like to use it. Like, it's annoying when they type:

    Bii33! Dang annoying, isn't it?

  20. well some do it to look cool

    some do it cause they do not stop and take the time to proof read

    and then there are the few that want to get on your nerves!

  21. i have no idea but ur right it is so annoying i have hard time reading c**p like that i just don't get it  

  22. Its like the new style. Like when I said new, somebody would put knew. And lol, brb, ttyl is just a way of shortening the words so we don't have to type too much.

  23. You hit the nail right on the head there - they do it because it is annoying and difficult to read.

    They also think they are being unique and cool.

    Plus they youth of today are lazy little sods so writing 'm8' etc is easier (apparently), it started mainly from text message language.  

  24. Because they are spanners to be honest! I dread to think what their school work is like. On Y!A I refuse to read questions and answers written like that (or written in text speak). Also whatever happened to punctuation?! x x x

  25. CuS dEy FiNk DaT dEy Iz WiCkEd.

    Its annoying. And hard to read.

    A l s o w h e n t h e y t y p e l i k e t h i s m a k e s m e G R R R R R >:(

  26. its makes them feel cool so they can fit in with the everlasting trend! that is so stupid. its hard to read like you said its annoying & stupid.

    example: when on myspace when someone's typing something on myspace they shouldn't be & their parents are checking up on their myspace then it can be used as code between some teenagers which is stupid. i mean if your not supposed then to have it on their then why do you ?

  27. I'm guessing because it takes less time for them. they want the fastest way to get done  

  28. I have no idea.

    It's idiotic.

  29. Because they think it is cool but it really is not. Yes it is annoying I myself like typing like this and I think it is fine and I am 12 almost 13.

  30. because, they want to be not like others, and they think its cute.. but newsflash, its annoying and hard to read

  31. Like other people siad, they thing it makes the look cute and cool and popular and they say it saves time, but it really just sets them up for a life of poor spelling adn grammer

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