
Why do some teens get acne while others don't?

by Guest66791  |  earlier

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Don't tell me the ones who don't have it don't eat junk food because I know from personal experience that is not true. There's plenty of teens out there who eats tons of junk food that never get it while there's teens who seldom eat junkfood yet they have tons of acne.




  1. all these reasons, but hormones is the main

  2. Genetics man, thats basically the reason and the amount of physical activity does have A LOT to do with it! basically their lifestyle

  3. There are so many factors involved in acne that it is impossible to really say why one teen gets acne and another who seems to lead a similar life style doesn't.  There is some research that suggests the hormones found in dairy products and a western diet in general may be a factor, but there are many others.  Hormones, heredity, greasy cosmetics, stress, humid polluted climates, irritation to the skin, chafing, and squeezing pimples all can contribute to acne.  

  4. Um it's mostly in the genetics and depends on what type of skin they have. Those who have oily skin are more likely to have acne. Stress is also a factor in acne development.

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