I phrased the question a little bit wrong, but I'll describe further. The bringing of Black History Month is continually argued by some white people to be evidence for this growing epidemic of "White Racism" and "Double Standards" in society. I was somewhat surprised to see that white females proclaim that it is a double standard to include a Black History Month but to exclude the possibility of a "White History Month". But none of these females state in their already flawed arguments about "International Women's Day", or "Feminism", and I'm sure that if the debate was about either of two topics, they would produce something lengthy, tantamount to that of a War & Peace novel.
I've also been surprised at how many white females proclaim that Obama is only in consideration of being president because he is black, yet they forget that the Hilary Clinton basically revolved around the fact that she would be the first female president. Obama was about his message of "Change". Hilary was about "combating sexism". Lastly, some white females argue about the existence of entities such as BET, and the Miss Black Awards, but seldom have I heard of white females talking about how wrong it is to have a "Girl's Only club".
To sum up, why do white females believe that they are in the same position as white males, where they believe they have the same rights etc, but white females have problems of their own too? Shouldn't we just come to a conclusion that Blacks, Middle Easterners, in some cases Far Eastern Asians, Females, g**s, and every other entity is discriminated against more than the "Ideal" (I assume you know whom they are) rather than bicker that someone has 'rights' that others are not entitled to?