
Why do some white people hate Mexicans so much?

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I'm offended by stuff that I read on Yahoo Answers that state that we should go back to our country. First of all I'm legal, I was born in the USA but i consider myself one with all Mexicans/Latinos. I'm just standing up for them.

So why are you sending Mexican born Mexicans back to their country? Do you have any idea what REAL suffering is like? Why are you complaining?




  1.    It is really so sad that people are so closed minded not to go out and meet latino and Latina's and find out that they are just like any other races but they usually hear racist remarks from within the family's they live in.My nephew is part black and mexican and white and many bday parties he was not invited to as he was darker color than the other kids.Some kid at camp told him to go back to his country ' and i all most lost it .I jacked his mom up and asked what the h**l was this c**p her son was saying to my boy and she said  his best friend is mexican and 1 is from african.Yes that's what i have heard for 30 years as to say hey my friend at work is black ' which is usually bull c**p.I wish  we all could forget the color of skin and know what great people we all can be .Life is too short for negativity.

  2. i don't think white people hate mexicans as much as they hate their behavior.

    i have to say i know a lot of people who employ illegal immigrants all of which know little or no english. and in fact i've needed emergency help and the only person around was an illegal immigrant who had no idea what i was saying and couldn't help at all.  i also have to say that i've been harrased walking down the street and driving in my car by groups of mexican men and it makes me feel like i'm one step away from being sexually molested.

    my grandmother is cuban and earned her way into this country 50 years ago by coming here legally, learning the constitution, the star spangled banner, and the english language just to start. she left her college education, mother, sisters and brother to come here to have a better life for herself, and she did it the right way.  to see thousands of mexicans coming into our country illegally it puts a bad name on those who migrated here legally, including other mexicans. talk about suffering....the people that suffer from illegal immigrants are the citizens of our country. they take jobs away from us, which means that our money isn't staying in our country it's going down south which hurts our economy, also, they drive around without licenses b/c they have not social security number therefore no insurance and when they cause a wreck, who pays for it...the citizen!   also, we've seen the incidence of pregnant mexican women giving birth in the states so that their baby will be a citizen and then they can live off their "citizenship."  also, i think it's a shame the way most mexican men treat caucasian american women. like we are a piece of meat and we don't deserve respect, that we all deserve to be stared at, whistled at, and yelled at in spanish!  

    with that said, i will also say that i lived in los angeles for a while in a primarily mexican neighborhood and found most of them to be very considerate, family oriented, and hard workers.

    unfortunately, legal mexican immigrants get a bad wrap b/c of the behaviors mentioned above. latin americans aren't the only people immigrating into this country, people forget that....but they are the majority of those coming illegally (or at least we are led to believe so) therefore they get all the blame. also, a lot of people are too uneducated to not blame a whole race for the bad behavior of a select few.  for instance, my father was murdered by a black 16 year old boy in our nations capital. he did five years in prison, b/c the judge, also black, threw out the majority of the case because the miranda rights weren't read correctly. then, when my mother then tried to file a wrongful death lawsuit against the system because the kid was actually supposed to still be in jail for a prior conviction, the same judge wouldn't even look at the case and threw it out too..........doesn't make me hate black people though, just the behavior.  

    a lot of people suffer in their own way and a lot of people suffer for the actions of others.

  3. Same reason why some people from other races hate them. Some people are just racist, stupid, and ignorant.  

  4. I am cool with Mexicans and other Latinos.

    Other white people hate Latinos because they were conditioned to do so, in order to divide the labor pool and make them controllable.

  5. Well, too bad for them, I'm in my country and I'm not going anywhere, their hate doesn't phase me one bit, get used to it people we exist with a vengeance and we aren't going anywhere anytime soon!

    whipstaff- you are a disgrace! You and your family are no longer European, the Peninsulares treated you people like c**p, too, you are the people without a place to call home, not us! You are such a fool.

  6. Love only America is like that.

    Im sorry to say but most think they are "patriotic" but they are not, they are just facists. Some Americans esp think they own the world, that they are better than others.

    Come to London (England) and here its the opposite.

    We embrace and love eachothers differences. Black, white, Kurdish, Mexican, Chinese, Ecuadorian, somalian, u name it!

  7. would you like a bunch of strangers to come into your house and live there? no. that's probably why they don't like it;

    but don't generalize.

  8. Some people don't want to be associated with Mexicans because they are the total opposite of what others want to be.

  9. It's lack of education.

    They are afraid of Mexican people taking their jobs and using tax money to pay for medical bills.

    It's sad really.


  10. I think it is because Latinos tend to have large families & take over whole communities while pushing out already existing residents.  Then when the population shifts to a majority of Latino people stores, restaurants & schools begin to cater to the Latino population.  Billboards are then written in Spanish, store adds are in Spanish, English speaking people then become the minority in that community and being bilingual becomes a requirement to get a job or even live in that community.

  11. I am Caucasian, and I personally have no problem w/ Hispanic people

  12. This question has an obvious answer, because the majority of illegal immigrates come through mexico(whether they are mexican or not, I also doubt people can actually tell if someone is mexican or not as they can be white, black, or brown), simple as that. Then this is generalized to the rest of the hispanics that they are illegal.

    You sound like a strong supporter of illegal immigration as well, perhaps you come off as more supportive for their cause then for your country and this might p**s some people off.


    Whether you like these answeres or not is not my problem but these are the possible reasons and answers to the question stated above.

  13. I'm Mexican too but its either us or them and I'm picking me.

  14. Because this isn't their country. They are called Mexicans because they belong in Mexico.  They take our jobs and put more and more Americans in poverty.

  15. i am white ( spanish) and my family has lived in mexico for over 300 years. here are a few reasons  why i seriously dislike the majority  of  mexicans(mestizos). they like to take credit for tejano music and spanish SPANISH guitar parts. this music is european and thus not theirs. many of them complain that they do not like white people. this amazes me since they speak a white mans language (spanish), they have white mens' last names (zamora,cruz,hernandez,garcia,villarreal... etc.) and a large percentage of mexicans have white ancestry in their blood, they are a mixed race. they completely ignore this fact, and disassociate themselves with caucasian people. but thats not the worst of it, they call themselves Latin. if they have any latin in them, it is from their white spanish or french ancestors. in all honesty, the hillbillies living in louisiana and mississippi are more latin then mexicans.

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