
Why do some woman reduce themselves to their sexuality so eagerly?

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Why do some woman reduce themselves to their sexuality so eagerly?




  1. Sexual Harassment Panda! Was that episode on tonight?

  2. I personally like s*x!!!!!

  3. Who says employing their sexuality reduces them?

    It usually makes them more powerful.

  4. Social conditioning.

    But why would you use sexuality and reduce in the same sentence?

    My sexuality is all about empowerment.

  5. I wish I knew. Some people just need validation and attention, and parading their sexuality around is one way of getting it?

    Who knows. Seems like it would be pretty boring, though.

  6. Like you are a woman.

    Nothing wrong with being one, honey. Nothin!

  7. some women are just horny and it makes me a saaaaaaad panda. its all they have going for them.

  8. I do not know what you are talking about. I am a woman, and I don't use it for advantages.

  9. Well if my girl get Honey all the time i am not complain about it.

  10. I heard that!!!!

  11. The problem with this question is it assumes that s*x is bad. s*x is only "bad" because we think it is, and that has everything to do with the arbitrary course of religious history. The Old Religions saw sexuality as something sacred, which makes more sense if you think about it. Since the Judeo-Christian-Islamic worldview followed after the Old Religions that worldview was shaped in backlash to the previous religious beliefs. So here we are. IMO, all religion is superstitious thinking. But, hey, it gives our lives meaning so we don't have to think about it.

    So, to answer your question, women are more identified with sexuality in all cultures, those that demonize sexuality, those that exalt it, and everything in between.  It's because women are the gatekeepers. It's because of hormones. It's because women get pregnant and men don't. These things make female sexuality seem more powerful than male sexuality, more salient. There's also the sad fact that females only earn more than males in professions that center on s*x and beauty.

    Why do people find female sexuality upsetting? That's what I want to know.

  12. Why do some men do the same thing? and why is it "reducing"?  That an attitude straight out of the Victorian era.  Nothing wrong with acknowledging that we are sexual persons.

  13. that there choice. .^_^

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