
Why do some women choose IVF over adoption? How hard is it to adopt a baby?

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I want to write a paper about IVF, but I would like to know why so many women choose IVF over adoption? How difficult is it and how much money does it cost to adopt a baby in the U.S.? How much money and how difficult is it to have IVF and become successful with it? How do same-s*x couples, single mothers, and older women play into IVF vs. adoption? I'm open to opinions, but if you could include sources, that would be great!




  1. I suppose it is because they want to have their own children?  However look at that question that I just wrote- how do you think adoptive children feel when they read this answer that some have given.-  I am adopted and have 2 adopted children, and I can tell you I am my adoptive parents OWN child, and my 2 child are mine as well.

  2. IVF can cost over $10000 per round of treatment. Most people have to do IVF multiplte times before having any success. Some people never have success.

    Some people would rather adopt knowing that they will definitely be able to bring home a child eventually.

  3. Pretty much many do it because they are desperate to have a biological child and experience being pregnant. People doing IVF have to pay for each round and its not as often that someone does one round and it’s successful often it can take many rounds. Insurance does not typical cover it and if they do often they will only cover one or two rounds. says that 1 cycle costs 6,190. A fertility clinic in Texas has on their website that it can cost from 10 to 12 grand and that’s with no insurance.  The prices probably varies from clinic to clinic but either way its going to be several grand.

    I read an article of a couple they’ve being doing IVF for like 6 or 7 years. That adds up but people become so desperate people have sadly gone into dept and some never have success.

    To adopt a baby that really varies but it can depend on how a couple goes about it, adopting privately is one of the most expensive ways and can cost 30 grand or even more then that, costs vary from agency to agency. If a couple wants to adopt a white baby it will often cost them a bundle or they could be on the waiting list for a while. says that both Private and agency adoption can range from 5,000 to 40,000 or more depending on a variety of things.

    My aunt and her husband spent about 60 grand in their son’s private adoption. Some of the money was taking care of his birthmother they wanted to make sure she had money for food, she did not have a phone so they put one in for her and her grandmother and paid for that through out her pregnancy, they also paid medical bills, counseling and paid for her hotel and hospital stay when she came to have the baby in LA.  

    If one adopts from the FCS it’s very cheap to cost - free, but then they don’t have a lot of babies since the ones they do have will often go quickly or they will be minority babies and some people are not willing to do transracial adoption.  Sometimes states will provide subsidies for parents who adopt from the FCS

    IVF can sometimes  be cheaper then adoption [excluding adopting from FC] IF someone is lucky enough to have the first few rounds take.  That is not the case for many couples who again sometimes go into financial dept doing IVF or other fertility treatments. Of course in adoption there are also risks as well that birthparents will change their mind during the reclaim period or even before the baby is born. However generally if someone is with a good agency they will  get right on matching the person or couple with another baby. Or if someone adopts a baby that has already been surrender for whatever reason

    Also in IFV they  have to give the mother hormones which I hear is no fun so that they can harvest many eggs. So one might have 15 eggs but only  say 6 or 7 will get fertilized and maybe only 3 of those will take in the womb then it’s a question if the mother will carry to term or if she will have a miscarriage. Of course in some cases all the eggs would take which is why there is an increase of  Un-natural multiplies.  l

  4. Strange question!!

    I would much rather have my own biological child than to adopt a child because this child would never be biologically mine

  5. People pay all that money out n sometimes don't even get a baby at the end of it a think adoption is a brilliant idea.

  6. Some people just don't want to have a child that is not biologically theirs. That's why they are willing to spend a lot of money on these procedures that typically take multiple attempts and usually don't work.

  7. Why dont you adopt a baby then if your so concerned? Some women prefer having there own blood children and thats totally upto them. And the only reason women go through IVF is because they can still bare children in there womb and desperatly want a child of there own but cant succeed naturally. Im guessing if they couldnt bare in there womb then they would 1st consider surrogacy and then adoption. What a stupid question uve asked. Idiot man

  8. This is such an individual thing, no persons reasons will be the same. For me, if there was a possible chance of having my own child then I went ahead with IVF.  Yes I wanted to have my own biological child,  that may have had the same features as myself and partner, someone I could nurture from inside me and I knew that I cared for the child in me from day one.  Fortunately I was successful with my first attempt, i am currently on my 4th IVF cycle after having 3 further failures.  I do not agree that "if having a baby doesn't come naturally then one should try for adoption" if we took this stance on life, would we ever have ops or take meds for other natural health issues, yes I am sure we would, so why should IVF be any different.  As regards for paying for IVF, it varies depending on how much the drugs are, my curent cycle will cost around £ 5,000.

  9. How about you  include another option - embracing a childfree lifestyle when unable to naturally reproduce.

    IVF wastes many emybros, or worse results in potential babies frozen in storage lockers. Adoption aborts a child's mother and family.

  10. Um, because they want to raise their own children...

  11. because they would like to have their own biological children

    Kinda of a strange question really

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