
Why do some women feel it necessary to insult others while under the pretense of being "nice" it is degrading.

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Why do some women feel it necessary to insult others while under the pretense of being "nice" it is degrading.




  1. That is commonly called being "catty." The psychological term is "passive agressive."  Even psych professionals have mastered it.  It's a way of sliding in a jealous, angry, underhanded slur or statement, and all the while looking innocent.  It allows the person making the statement to cry "attack" when another confronts them on their actions.  Women are the best at it, but men in certain circles have mastered it as well.  It gives insight into a nasty personality, and a good red flag as to whether you want to stay in this person's presence very long.  I introduced an attractive student worker to one who was a bit overweight (who was obviously threatened due to her insecurity) and she made a cloaked nasty comment immediately.  I simply looked at the new student worker, and said, "You must excuse Miss ______, she had her usual bowl of milk for lunch."  I had to resort to her own tactics to confront her in a way she couldn't excape, and I guess the shock value of receiving what she offers, made a difference in her attitude, at least at the office.

  2. i know exactly what you're talking about!! its frustrating id rather people be openly rude to me than fake! my mom does this (part of the reason we arent close at all). for instance, if i walk downstairs in a shirt she doesnt like, shell say "Oh, thats a cute pajama top." when im clearly not wearing pajamas at three in the afternoon. She makes all these underhanded compliments that all have their own hidden meanings. its sickening.

  3. i dont know what their deal is, but some and most girls are two-faced. they're all biatches inside, seriously, and if they find someone they think is below them in any way - they let it show.

    she must see you as some pathetic thing that she can just toy around with. you gotta get serious with her. i know it's kinda hard to get really serious with anyone but if you want to fix this problem it's the only way. do it for yourself. respect yourself. if at first it seems awkward, it'll come more and more naturally to gain the respect from others by standing up for yourself

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