
Why do some women have receding hairlines?

by Guest56358  |  earlier

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Why do some women have receding hairlines?




  1. Genetics is the answer you are looking for. It may not come out for generations but it is in your family line some where.

  2. they're not immune to balding, either

  3. i actually have a widows peak :)

    sexxay :) hehe i love it though. i'm the only one from the family who has it

  4. Receding hair lines are genetic in nature.  Women are not immune to this phenomenon, although it is more commonly seen in men.

    This is why:

    Hereditary hair loss occurs when the hair follicles of genetically predisposed people produce an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase, which combines with testosterone. The resulting combination, called DHT, causes hair follicles to shrink and deteriorate. Women produce far less testosterone than men, and therefore lose less hair.

    So simply put, receding hair lines and hair loss have a genetic basis.  

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