
Why do some women use the morning after pill for birth control?

by  |  earlier

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Can't they be responsible and use some kind of other contraception ahead of time? I can see situations like rape, but other than that they should be a little more responsible.




  1. Troll^^^^^^^^^

  2. I don't think they do.  The morning after pill is used in cases when condoms fail, or for people who are trying to be abstinent and that fails.

  3. Taking the morning after pill IS being responsible. Maybe they're not generally sexually active. Maybe their boyfriend refuses to wear condoms and they're too young / naive to insist. Maybe they get bad side effects from the Pill (many women do). Maybe they forgot to take their Pill. Maybe the condom broke. Maybe they're paranoid about getting pregnant. Maybe they can't get an appointment to see their GP. Any number of possible reasons.

  4. the problem is some women are allergic to condoms and are at risk for some of the adverse health effects caused by the pill, injection or implants.

             But I guess since it is irresponsible they should just wait till marriage...

    ( grr last part is sarcastic.... I know sometimes it is hard to tell with nothing but text, but why would I write a paragraph reputing the notion that plan B is irresponsible than at the end confirm it?)

  5. Do they? I've never heard of this. Morning after pills are about $35 a pill and you must have a prescription for each individual pill.

  6. Yes, they should be more responsible.  Some women use this a form of contraception just like a condom or something.

    Just tells you the nature of these women _ _ _ _ _.  You're asking for responsibility from a hoochie.

    Spuddy:  Yes, some seriously do this.  They go to Planned Parenthood and purchase them there.  There's no limit to the madness.

  7. Actually, birth control pills can be used as emergency contraception (2 pills 12 hours apart to suppress ovulation). Morning after pills just have higher concentrations of estrogen and progesterone than birth control pills, they work on the same principle.

    I don't know why a woman would want to use emergency contraception as her normal birth control method because of the effects. The only reason I can think of is that she has s*x infrequently and being constantly on the pill has side effects she can't take or has health problems where regular pill use is contraindicated. Other than that I don't see why she would want to.

    Edit: just read mudkip and other answers. Yes, the morning after pill is emergency contraception NOT an abortifacient.

    Morning after pills can be purchased over the counter in the US and Canada, you don't need a prescription in most countries for them.

    Hope this helps.

  8. Because some women don't think that far ahead.  They get to the s*x part and go, "I think he's got a condom.  That should be enough."

    Then later, after all the steam has cleared, the girl goes "OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG"... and panics.  The result is washing a Morning After Pill down with the fresh coffee, and dashing off to work to fret and worry all day about if it worked or not.

  9. Do they?

    I've never heard of this. In emergency cases, yes (the condom broke, etc.) but do they run out and get the morning after pill after every instance of sexual intercourse? Or do they have a running prescription? Can you GET a "running prescription?"

  10. Because it IS birth control. It's a contraceptive, meaning it prevents conception from occurring (so that the egg is not fertilized).

    Condoms can break. Better safe than sorry.

  11. Why not? What's the problem with it?

  12. It is a form of emergency contraception and is particularly useful for women who aren't often sexually active,  and in cases when its suspected that other forms of birth control may have failed.

  13. Less hassle than an abortion? I don't know.

  14. why is it your business?

    most women use it as a back-up, like if the condom breaks. they use it if they're raped and their attacker doesn't use a condom.

    bottom line is: it really doesn't matter what they use  it for. it ain't your business.

  15. Why shouldn't they?

    It's at least as effective as other forms of contraception and you only have to take it when you need to, not be on medication every day of your life in case one day you have s3x!

    As far as looking after yourself and your health that sounds VERY responsible!

    Cheers :-)

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