
Why do some xbox 360 users hate the ps3 ?

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is the cost of the ps3 making them hate it even though they would rather have a ps3 ? if the ps3 was as cheap in cost as the xbox would these users have a change in mind?.the ps3 is supposed to be far better than the xbox so when the price is affordable will we see more ps3 users than the xbox?




  1. Its not just Xbox 360 owners and it has nothing to do with price it goes back along way to the Sega Saturn days.When the PSP 1 came out it spelt the beginning of the end for Sega console fans. This new comer to the gaming game turn gaming into a cool and hip new trend with its clever marketing campaign that it learnt from the Sony Walkman days, it soon took over the whole of gaming even out shining the brilliant Nintendo 64 in the consumer place.With c**p washed out games and clever marketing technics that only the herd crowd follow, it has been at the top of the list for," I like getting ripped off, and playing the same game over and over again because I know I can play it", people. Its all hype. I can afford one, but I am happy with my 360 and Wii.

  2. the problem with the ps3 is that the price is infringing on PC territory, and the ps3 simply cannot hold a candle to PC gaming. The fact that it is made by sony is a turn off to some people also, because sony's attempt at creating proprietary media all the time is seen as a way for them to just make more money. Its a good system, but xbox owners are loyal, and the hackability of the xbox makes it more appealing to techie types.

  3. It's the same old s**t as "my dad can beat your dad" or "my car goes faster" or "my d**k is bigger than your d**k".

  4. I like cheese. Especially camenbert.

    Hope this helps....

  5. idk but ps3 is just like ps2 but its roundish and it even bigger

  6. I don't think there is a link between the two.

  7. that was a dumb *** question

  8. maybe when Xbox comes out with there new xbox-my guy says the new one will be more expensive but have better sound capabilities. If both are equally priced then it will actually come down to what is a better machine,I think the ps3's being so over-priced and under-supplied really soured alot of people.

  9. As with any new console the release price is always extortionate, give it a few months and the price will start to fall.  The PS3's spec is better than the X-Box's but as its always been with consoles it's down to preference, I personally have always been a Nintendo preferer.  I work for a large retail electrical store and quite frankly the sales on the PS3 have been appaling, we only had one pre-order and that was a member of staff lol, throughout this time the 360 sales have remained steady.  I guess only time will tell who comes out on top.

  10. You cannot compare a cheap car and cheap car HDI engine GT model.

    PS3 has HD, Blu ray disk, ....

    X-Box come wihtout it. Just put all pieces and then, compare prices. They will have same cost level.

    X-Box users are like these extreme  religious from north USA or moddleEast. No arguments.

  11. color?

  12. Because they are being completely screwed by Microsoft with its customer support.

    The 360 is a red-light, no disc reading console. After about a year they break down, if not sooner.

    The PS3 is now showing that it doesn't break as much as the 360 and this is what 360 owners do not like. Microsoft are also bringing out another model for more $$$$$, which has infuriated some.

    I own a 360 myself and I am looking at the PS3 and thinking its the better option. If you are paying money for a games console then you expect it to last and thats one thing Microsoft are lying about.

  13. what the h**l has x box and ps3 have to do with embassies and consulates get your categories right.

  14. some people like the xbox live feature and see that ps3's online capability is not as good. they also want to be able to say that they have the best system without paying for the best one(ps3)

    I have a 360 but not a ps3 but know that the ps3 is amazing but that any video game system that expensive is not worth it no matter what

  15. Jealous

  16. because the sad little ppl dont know that there is a world outside their bedrooms and think that a computer system somehow makes them a cool person.

    possibly they are mentally unwell (in this case pity them)

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