
Why do soo many teenage girls seek validation from complete strangers

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are you that pathetic in real life that you need to post pics of yourself on a website that isnt secure and that millions of people could view.

do you not have friends who tell you your beautiful and special why post pics on here.




  1. well maybe because those girls want to ask people they dont know because they think that the people that know them in real life and like them for their personalties

    if a total stranger told you you were pretty, you'd know they meant it

  2. yea im getting tired of those questions too. just yesterday i saw a question "am i pretty" and  i was really annoyed. >:l

  3. I don't post pictures asking for opinions on my looks.

    But as it goes, no i don't have any friends in real life.

  4. I guess it's because people they know call them names, or they feel extremely insecure. Fishing for compliments are also another reason. I believe pervs are going to try and stalk them, that's why I say don't post your pics up on here!

  5. i am not one of those girls who post pics and ask if im pretty but i used to be one of those girls who would get on webcam for anyone im sorry that im so pathetic to you but i was alone and wanted someone to care ,someone to look at me, to like me and it hurts me knowing how stupid i was but it hurts even more when someone like you who doesnt understand at all is a ********* about it i know what i did was stupid and that i could have really gotten hurt but i was so alone on the edge of suicide and just wanted someone to reach out to me to make me feel like i was a person  

  6. because maybe they do not get enough real validation at home or with family!!

  7. I will go with the assumption that you are an adult and aren't around many children or teens. Girls in today's society have a lot of pressure put on them and a good deal of it is surrounded by physical looks. Look at the ads in your magazines, or the beer commericals on TV, or the celebrities that are constantly splashed on magazine covers and in the news. If this is, as perceived by an underdeveloped teenage mind, the 'norm' (where people are airbrushed and rich enough to have personal trainers, make-up artists, pay $200 for a haircut, etc., etc.) it's hard to accept yourself as Average Suburban Jane Teenager.

    And honestly? Teenage girls are mean. Even those who are your 'friends' aren't going to go on and on about how pretty their friend is as it takes away from their own image. For the most part teenagers are ego-centric and insecure (I'm not saying this as a put-down but it's emotionally and developmentally where the teenage brain lies in the maturity process). So yes, a good number of the girls who post those pictures are completely insecure and seeking the validation of complete strangers who would offer an objective opinion. Others are narcissistic and know they are attractive but, for the same reason, post their pictures for verbal approval from peers.

    Good question that says a lot about our society!

    EDITED: I just read your additonal details...and second your concern for sure (as a mother of two daughters and another one on the way). In many of those cases the parents aren't doing their jobs to ensure that their daughters aren't posting things on the internet that take away annonymity as well as work with their daughters to encourage self-esteem in ways other than 'how cute am I?'...

  8. Yes they are that pathetic and no they dont have friends

  9. im a teen and i dont do that. its just that some teens hav really low self esteem and are just looking 4 attention. its pathetic but i feel bad 4 them.

  10. Lack of self-esteem. Poor upbringing. Histrionic Personality Disorder. Borderline Personality Disorder. Screwed up morality. Stupidity. Egocentrism. Lack of foresight.

    Doesn't matter. They are statistics waiting to happen.

  11. maybe they never have boyfriends and don't feel secure with themselves.  

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