
Why do soon to be husbands follow their spouses around at night?

by  |  earlier

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coming home at 11:00 pm at night seen soon to be ex he got behind me ,and i know it was him on the harley




  1. why do you keep cheating on him?

  2. Why would a soon to be husband have a spouse?

  3. You're going to have to get away, and fast. That isn't something that normal, healthy people do. I am just now starting to get away from this same situation... that's how it started. Eventually, he followed me EVERYWHERE, day or night, he would miss work to follow me around, drive by my house, it got so bad that I actually started to believe he had put a gps on my car. He knew where I was ALL THE TIME. And, this was 2 years after I left him, and 2 personal protection orders later.

    Trust is something you HAVE to have in a relationship. Without it, you're screwed.  Maybe you don't want to jump to conclusions, and it's perfectly understandable. Sit him down, he's going to deny doing it, but ignore him, don't try to prove you knew it was him, because he'll deny deny deny. Just let him know you knew it was him, and if you can, get him to tell you WHY he's doing it. What is it that made him so concerned, that he needed to follow you around? And lastly, let him know it won't be tolerated. Make it clear that if it happens again, you'll be gone, and stick to that.

  4. He shouldn't be following you, he may just be paranoid and think your cheating on him.  Pre-wedding jidders?  a huge case in his matter?

  5. so you ex and you soon to be husband are following you? You have stockers? Watch out they are out to get you!!!!

  6. He wants to get out of the wedding so he hopes to catch you cheating.

  7. He is angling for something on you

  8. most husbands DON'T follow their spouses around at night.  but i think you answered your own question.  the answer is "coming home at 11:00 pm at night"  

  9. If you love him then talk about it to him, don't get into conclutions too fast.. figure things out first. sometimes guys are just curious. it's nothing special. all men are like that, maybe u just caught this one. haha.

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