
Why do soooo many people think global warming is just 'hype' 'noithing' to worry about?? it IS real accept it!

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Why do soooo many people think global warming is just 'hype' 'noithing' to worry about?? it IS real accept it!




  1. Global warming is a natural thing, but we are making it worse by the amount of poisonous gases we are putting into the atmosphere. Some people don't want to admit that global warming is becoming a big issue because of us is because a few people are too lazy to do anything about it, but others don't want to leave their comfortable lifestyle they are living to do anything about it. But what they don't realise is that what it is doing to us, is only a fraction of what it will do to future generations.

  2. It's not second nature to "get this".  For example, this was recently said:

    "Logic, by the way, tends to point to the fact that, because human beings are so small and the earth so large, they shouldn't have an impact on global warming."

    This really isn't so strange.  Global warming is surprising.  It goes against people's intuition.

    But this is science and what counts is the data, not people's intuition.

    "I wasn’t convinced by a person or any interest group—it was the data that got me. I was utterly convinced of this connection between the burning of fossil fuels and climate change. And I was convinced that if we didn’t do something about this, we would be in deep trouble.”

    Vice Admiral Richard H. Truly, USN (Ret.)

    Former NASA Administrator, Shuttle Astronaut

    So, if people can't bestir themselves to look at the science, if they believe a mysterious conspiracy of liberals is trying to control their lives, if they have no faith in scientists; then they disbelieve global warming.

  3. Ok sonicmonk.  If YOU say so I better accept it! Your argument is so convincing!

  4. It is a fact that the Earth has warmed up, it has been warming up since the last ice age 13000 years ago, it is not helped by the burning of fossil fuels but the most damage is caused by animals that eat grasses the methane produced by cows is enormous, to blame cars for most of the problems is ridiculous, the government uses the pollution from cars as a way to justify imposing high taxes on cars, there is no ban on gas guzzling cars, if you can afford to pay for one you can have one, surely if big engine cars were causing such damage, they would have banned them from being imported and then phased out, global warming, although it exists is a natural phenomenon that has happened several times, the same as global freezing has, the scientists that support the pollution of cars as a cause, still get their grants, those that disagree lose their grants, this started during the miners strike in the 1980s, the reason was that if the miners had so much power that they could put the UK on a three day week, fossil fuels had to be blamed so that the mines could be closed and the miners lost their power, coal was imported from abroad instead but we still used as much as before. If it is still available, look up on the Internet for a report called, " The Great Global Warming Scam ", I hope that it is still there, it was a TV program that the government totally ignored but it was supported by many top scientists.

  5. its funny how you can make people believe anything if you try hard enough. Also funny how recently scientist were saying in they expect global cooling over the next 10 years. So maybe you care to explain why scientist cannot agree which is true.

  6. Whether I accept it or not, I am not going to change my lifestyle and I will go down fighting to prevent those idiots in our Government placing a carbon tax on us. It is a scare tactic to control people and tax them more.

  7. Eden was Earth before the Jews arived.

    It was a peaceful prospeous Planet.

    h**l is what the Jews want to make out of this place, hence the Order of the Illuminati ==> The ones to set the World on Fire.

    And don't get me wrong, this has nothing to do with religion.

    There are 13 Bloodlines who interbreed with each other.

    Interbreed means brother marrys sister, mother marries son.

    Isn't that a sin by all religious standards?

    And they can all be genetically traced back to 4 females in egypt 14.400 years ago.

    They call themselfs the Illuminati and they are the Royal Bloodlines.

    They created Religion which is controlled by the "Freemasons".

    The Freemasons are the "Brotherhood of Death" and they try to Install a Deathwish into society.

    They want to die and they want to take us all with them.

    Now they have a new Weapon.

    This Weapon is called H.A.A.R.P. and it is located in Alaska.

    What they do is they sent a Watt Microwave into the Ionosphere which then bounces back and can create earthquakes storms and can burn us all.

    It is based on Nikola Tesla's patent.

    The earthquake in china/sichuan was created by them because strange unseen phenomenon were recordet just before the earthquake happened.

    You can all research it and I would be happy if you do.

    People need to get educated A.S.A.P. becaus knowledge is power and the "Freemasons" want you to be stupid.

    That's why they call us "Profane Goyim" or sheep/cattle to the slaughter.

    What happens is this.

    The Jews landet on this planet 14.400 years ago.

    They come from a race called the Annunaki.

    They created Religion and hide themself and their knowledge in the Occult.

    The Freemasons and the Wicca are the Occult and every "Magic" Ritual is spoken in Hebrew.

    Research history and you find that every War is started by Jews/Freemasons and was sponsored by Jews i.e. the Rotschild and Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan Kuehn & Loeb.

    Devide and Conqer.

    Divide the World into Nations and Religion and thus confuse the "Gentiles","Goyim","Profane", that are there names for us!

    Fuel Nationalism and Ignorance and make sure that every leader comes from a secret society and thus answers to the Rotschilds.

    Control Money, Religion and Leadership.

    Create poverty and fuel hatred.

    Channel this hatred like in Germany against the Jews.

    Make Wars and kill them all.

    The Word "Holocaust" actually means "To sacrifice a child".

    And that is what war really is, it is the death of children who are young and strong and thus a threat to them.

    All the weapons manufacturers are Jewish owned and staffed.

    Thus the Jews create one "Holocaust" after another.

    The ones who survive will obey everything they say.

    They will be happy Slaves or consumers and workers as they say.

    On December 21 2012 there will be a major problem.

    All Planets of our Solarsystem will align to the center of the Universe.

    That also means that all gravitational forces wil align and push into one direction.

    That means earthquakes and floods.

    Also our world will be in Darkness for 21 days.

    We have Time to prepare for it but Bush who is a Rotschild and a Jew and Britain and Israel want to create WWIII so that we can not prepare and so that we all die.

    Needless to say that they prepared well for this.

    They will be save when we will be dead.

    This is the Truth and you can choose to be Ignorant or you can choose to RISE up.

    Do NOT beleive me.

    Do your own research, you will find the same as I did.

  8. Coldest summer on record in my neighborhood.

  9. Perhaps too many people have given out projections that do not appear to be met, so people can too easily conclude that we are in the start of a 10 year cooling period.

    Now we have had little response to that from those who 'preach' global warming.  What temperature effects over land were we to expect as cold fresh water from ice spreads on top of the oceans.  

    We reasonably expect that this could provide global cooling, or at least cooling close to the melt water. But how long will it persist? Are we seeing a longer  cycle, of cooling and heating, longer than those yearly ups and downs that Al Gore used on his graph?

    Having cool water on the surface of the oceans will reduce radiation outward from earth, and will still allow the ocean surface to warm up as sun hits it. But it will also lower air temperatures. So what is the story line that fits observation.

    Note that Al Gore did point to a real possibility of a mini-ice age for Europe as a result of global warming acting on Greenland and the Arctic.

    So this should not come as any great surprise.

    But right now sincere doubt is being voiced because there have been too many too general predictions not being met.

  10. One troller on posed this question to me, if global warming is causing the ice caps to melt, then why is the ice around Greenland expanding?

    Possible answer I thought of:

    Sea water is salt water, and salt water has a lower freezing point than fresh water.  So when global warming melts the ice caps, which is fresh water, the fresh water mixes with the salt water reducing its salt concentration.  And as a result, increases its freezing point.  Meaning the surrounding sea water around Greenland is becoming solid when it would normally be liquid.

    How ironic just like in the lunar landings, the so called evidence that says it's a hoax is in turn evidence that it is real.

  11. Because no one wants to put in the effort to help stop global warming by going back to the basics. I guess :)

  12. Everyone says 'accept it'.  Okay, I'll accept it when you guys prove your point beyond any doubt.  But I'm in denial til then.

  13. I have yet to see proof that convinces me that HUMANS are responsible for any climate change.

  14. No one's saying it's not real, they're saying it's not caused by us.

  15. that is why last year Antarctica had records amount of ice,more than has ever been seen ,,that is why Canada has had the worst winter ,for a number of years .all global warming is based on theory,there is very little evidence or none at all that they can use to back it up ,,.

                            the united nations think tank on global warming has had more sciences leave them .because the powers that be will not listen,sciences who asked for there names to be taken of lists provided by united nations have been refused,most of the sciences who's name is on there are on government pay rolls,why ???so they can tax people more in there own country's.they show half of the picture  ,without showing you the whole picture ,dig deeper ,look at the people who tell you these things ,without evident,,it it all based on theory,,

  16. It`s natural the world`s been there before and we`re still here

  17. Global warming is certainly real, the Antarctic may well have had records amount of ice, but the North Pole this year will not be covered by ice for the first time. Last year the ice retreated to within 700 miles of the North Pole.

    The reason for this warming and cooling is Climate Change, the greenhouse effect has been enhanced due to increased release of "Greenhouse gases" (Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Nitrous Oxide, Chlorofluorocarbons, Stratospheric Ozone). The greenhouse gases absorb and re-radiate solar radiation that is reflected from the Earth's surface, increasing the temperature of the atmosphere, as less radiation escapes back into space.

    Changes in weather patterns caused by global warming will cause cooling in a few areas but overall warming of the planet, hence the term global warming.

    There is some confusion though as some scientists are saying it is natural when the majority know it is happening and it is real. People also need to remember that different media have different political views and may wish to show the government in a different light. For example, The Daily Mail versus the The Guardian versus The Daily Mirror  versus The Sun.

    The IPCC constructed several climate models with no change in current emissions reduction efforts and other scenarios, all of them showed the world as a very different place. With an average global temperature rise of 6.4c pushing umans into the arctic circle to survive and mass extinction. Whereas a 3.8c rise would cause alot less but still make things alot harder for the human race. Nobody can despute the potential effects of global warming and that changes are happening now, which is why we are being encouraged to act upon it.

  18. yeah it is real but people are afraid to believe in it, i learned so much about it, it is scary but it is something we have to face because of our actions.

  19. not warm here

  20. Yes U are helping the oil Co. rob us blind and yet U appear to think that U think gasoline is not high enough.

  21. You need to check your spelling, or at least, set your spell check up to do it for you....

    When you answer your own question, you are obviously making a statement rather than asking a question....

    You have obviously been well indoctrinated into the liberal/g*y/greenie/socialist coalition, and you deserve to suffer the ramifications of your association...

    Those of us who actually think for ourselves require more information than the word of gore/obama and their associates...

    have a good forth of july, or maybe you don't celebrate that holiday...

  22. Plain and simple fact - the Earth warms itself up and cools itself down, and it has done for billions of years. OBVIOUSLY there is evidence of the planet heating up, and changes in weather. But history shows us that its all happened before, and guess what? We're still here!

    Now, scientists define an ice age as any time when there are polar ice caps. Well...we have them now, don't we? So technically we are still in the last ice age. Logic states that things will only get warmer!

  23. The people who think that global warming is 'hype' and nothing to worry about, most likely have some link to coal, oil or other fossil fuel industry.  They are greedy idiots who think making a buck is more important than protecting the environment---even at the expense of others.  Just last week, renowned scientist James Hansen called global warming skeptics criminals 'who should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity'. These 'criminals' include George W. Bush and d**k Cheney who have repeatedly tried (and sometimes succeeded) to destroy a century of progress for environmental protection.

  24. I agree with you 100% and I am trying to do my bit, even though it is only small in the general scheme of things.

  25. That's because many people do not care about the future, not that way anyway. Nobody believes that anything drastically bad can happen in their lifetime. What happens after they are gone - they do not care about. People tend to be nihilistic and deny the truth.

  26. RE: "Global warming is certainly real, the Antarctic may well have had records amount of ice, but the North Pole this year will not be covered by ice for the first time. Last year the ice retreated to within 700 miles of the North Pole..."

    Under the North Pole is the volcanic Gakkel Ridge, for which super-heated magma has been flowing into the artic waters for many recent years....... including a recent explosion that rivals Pompeii in 1999.   That seems to be a logical explanation for the variance between the North and South poles areas.

    Now tell me my car is responsible for an underwater volcano.

  27. no it isn't, it's climate change

    global warming is just a tax - think about it

  28. Because you can't see it. If nobody had told you about it you would not know either. These people are just using their eyes and head instead of just listening and believing. Now You (and I) might say they are not using their head enough, but I contend that a person who never heard of global warming before (OK they are living under a rock, but hypothetically) would never come up with the idea themselves. Sure summer is hot, but it always has been. Sure glaciers are melting, but have you ever seen a glacier? And glaciers melted 200 years ago before humans made enough CO2 to alter the atmosphere in any way. The fact is that global warming is a very slow and very subtle and very hard to detect thing. It takes lots of resources, like weather stations all over the world and people measuring ice pack and stuff like that. And above all it takes LOTS of record keeping to tell that the amount of ice in the world is down from what it was 50 or 100 years ago. It is not obvious to see. Not obvious at all. Not like smog, that turns the sky brown and makes you cough; and not like water pollution that makes the water smell bad and makes you sick. It is invisible.

    (EDIT after 3 thumbs up, so I apologize if those people change their minds after reading this)

    I read and think and research. I have read the actual IPCC report, have you? The predictions are not scary at all. 1 or 2 feet sea level rise. 1 - 6 deg. C temperature rise. Farm productivity *probably* UP if temperature rises 1 - 3 degrees and *probably* down if it rises more. It is just not scary stuff. Not like the TV or Web that says 20 foot sea level rise, world running out of water, north pole will melt completely this year, bla bla bla...

  29. yes it is real, but its the CAUSES that are up for debate, global warming and cooling has always happened naturally (ice age anyone?)

  30. Otherwise, you'll stamp your feet and hold your breath?

  31. no it ISN'T, ACCEPT IT!

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