
Why do sorority girls degrade themselves?

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They party topless.. they are willing to do whatever when they pledge.. they go nude and everything.

How are guys attracted to this..?

Why do girls do it?




  1. Well, I'd be lying if I told you that ALL sorority girls get naked and party like animals all the live long day...but...

    The majority of girls who DO do this are clearly seeking attention in the worst possible way. Trust me, I've never been, nor will I ever BE that type of [shrugs] I can judge, and basically hope they get their stupid act together...

    I can't speak for them, anyway... I'd go ask a sorority girl myself (in the flesh) why her IQ suddenly dropped from when she was the supposed prodigy child her mom claimed to have given birth to.

    Let me know what she says. ;]

  2. It sounds to me as though you haven't had much first hand experience with sorority women or fraternity men but rather have watched lots of tv.

    I'm sure there are, somewhere, sorority girls partying topless.  Just like there are, somewhere, trailer trash or Paris Hilton or tennis players etc partying topless.  

    However, most sororities have extremely stringent standards and hosting a party where members take off their clothes would be grounds for immediate lifetime expulsion from the sorority.

    In general, the all sorority gpa is inevitably higher than the all women non greek gpa.  Why?  Because sororities place a huge emphasis on education.

    My sorority chapter has had a Fulbright scholar every year since sometime in the 80s.  Not all sorority girls are mindless bimbos.  Just like not all college girls are mindless bimbos either.

  3. Fraternity's do the same thing. To weed out the weak I guess.

    But the most severe thing is usually sleep deprivation.

  4. I don't know what parties or sororities you're talking about, but I've never been to a sorority party where they've been topless. If they're doing this, then they're looking for negative attention and should be kicked out of the sorority. As far as willing to do anything to become a member of a sorority, that's considered hazing, which was banned in the early '90s. They (the pledges) could be banned from joining that particular sorority and the chapter could be suspended or expelled and both could face jail time and court fees.

  5. How are guys attracted to girls who act promiscuous? That question seems to answer itself. Girls obviously do it to get guys to like them, guys like it because it takes the challange of how to get a girl to take her clothes off away. In college people want to have s*x, that's perfectly normal behavior and although i don't think it's a good thing, it's not a difficult thing to understand.  

  6. I always wonder what Betty Friedan would think.  Is this what she fought for?  What are these women thinking?

  7. * To get attention.  Particularly from boys, who they think don't/won't notice them otherwise.

    * Because they want to break free.  Especially if you come from a very strict household, or have always stereotypically been the "good girl", when you hit college, you may have the desire to do something "crazy" and that's when it starts.

    * Alcohol.  Oh, never underestimate the way alcohol can turn the smartest, most common-sense gals (and guys) into raving idiots.  And it is, indeed, flowing like crazy in sororities and other similar college venues.

    * Because of peer pressure and expectations that it's what they are required to do.

    Guys are often attracted to this because the girls seem open and easy, and thus extremely beddable.  But I'd like to point out that there are lots of guys who find this behavior just as stupid as we do.

  8. If a woman at my state university partied topless, she'd be kicked out of her sorority or fraternity. (the oldest "sororities" like tridelta and theta are actually fraternities)

    Most schools have very strict pledging event rules.  Pop culture has misinformed you about what happens at Greek events.

  9. My best guess is, someone buys the videos.

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