
Why do <span title="democrats/liberals/socialist/leftist,complain">democrats/liberals/social...</span> so much about oil?

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dems/libs/socialist/leftist,of the world hate oil so much,and care for mother earth so much,why have they not taken the bull by the horns,themselves,and developed an alternative energy source themselves,i mean if every liberal in the world donated $1 to their cause each month,they should raise at least 100 million each month,1.2 billion a yr,is that not enough with the help of all global warming/liberal scientist,should they not be able to come up with something equal to oil,or could it be there is nothing to replace oil,could it be the objective is to destroy world economies,and enslave people under liberal control,i mean the libs of the world,french,germans,democrats(U.S.),eng... u.n.,have been crying about oil yet no solution for over 20yrs,cloning of humans,and animals is possible,but finding a replacement for oil,has eluded the smarter than thu liberals,i`m just asking,liberals put your money(not mine),were your mouth is?




  1. the liberals are the democrats. they complain about everything but can&#039;t fix anything . you have a good point. by the way we have had enough oil here in the USA forever, we need to start drilling for it again and stop listening to the environmentalist. who cares about a bug or worm or bird. get real , we have to survive. we are humans . people need to wake up.

  2. I don&#039;t think it is just the Dems. Gas is 4.00 a gallon. It is killing people to fill up their tanks.

  3. To be fair, its the same problem that is stopping Conservatives with oil.

    That problem is that there are too many fighting against the Democrats on alternative energy just as there are too many fighting Conservatives on oil.  Regardless of whether we stick to oil or find something else, how we handle the whole oil business should be serious revamped in some way to prevent this from happening again.  Even Conservatives say that much.  But they are fought on that point as well.

    The other major problem is that the oil company is already entrenched.  Actually, you&#039;d be surprised how many Democrat voters do contribute to that kind of thing.  But their contributions and their efforts are countered by the fact that the oil companies raise equal or more money to counter anyone using technology in alternative energy sources.  They basically raise enough money to convince people such as yourself that it is a bad idea to switch.  That counters anything the Democrat voters can do to convince you; especially since you already have it in mind they are trying to take over the world and you don&#039;t intend to let them.

    Doesn&#039;t matter how much they raise to get the message out, you and others like you wouldn&#039;t believe it anyway.  And Conservatives use that to get you to side with them instead.

    And finally, the same problem plagues both sides in this.  Incompetent and/or thieving politicians.  For all intents and purposes, they are the faces of this debate; they are the voices.  Doesn&#039;t matter that they all lie and twist and ignore all evidence that doesn&#039;t side with them (and both sides do it); they are still the faces and voices of the debate.  We could vote them out, but that would take a chance that the other side would get the advantage.

    And as you probably know by now, most people see that and say, &quot;I don&#039;t like my guy, but I like the other guy even less.&quot;  So they don&#039;t take the chance that the other guy can win.  So even when we don&#039;t agree with them on a big issue like energy policy; we let them get away with it to protect some other issue we don&#039;t want the other side getting a hold of.

    C&#039;est la vie.


    As to your additional details; I see your point.  But does the fact that others have not pressed it (probably for the same reasons we haven&#039;t--too much politics) mean that we should stand by and do nothing either.

    I believe they are trying, and some have done much.  Many have begun using solar and wind energy, and many have gone to their own oil as well.  But it is still hampered here; even when breakthroughs are made the oil companies spend a lot of money to prevent it being used here.  They don&#039;t want to lose their profits; so they are spending some of their money to prevent an even bigger loss of money by us switching to other alternatives.

  4. What a load of nonsense.  Why all the melodrama?  The oil companies aren&#039;t interested in starting new drilling operations or refineries in this country.  If they were, we&#039;d see them joining the call for that...  

    We need to get rid of the speculators who are driving the market through manupulation.

    Democrats 2008

  5. It&#039;s everybody complaining about oil and gas prices, not just democrats and liberals. It&#039;s not like they&#039;re the only ones who have to fill up their tanks. Just now people might be listening more and more about what liberals have been saying for a long time about developing alternative energy sources because it&#039;s hurting all americans. The government needs to do more, not just ask people who can&#039;t pay for gas now and are barely getting by to pay for research for technologies that won&#039;t be availible for years. We already have some good alternatives. We just need people to pay attention to them and get out the word not just about hybrids but e85 ethanol, CNG, plug in electric vehicles, etc.

    I don&#039;t see why people need to be so hateful to others just based on political idealogy when if it won&#039;t for liberals and progressive ideas we would be in a much worse economic shape.

  6. Are you aware that the insatiable demand for oil is precisely the reason there is so much instability in the Middle East? The truth is that there should have been more serious research into alternative sources for fuel years ago but the oil companies don&#039;t want it. Why would they? A viable alternative would cause them to cease to exist.

  7. Good point!! Kind of like, shut up and do something about it!

  8. Hahahahaha i can&#039;t believe that guy just said &quot;who cares about a bug and a bird get real...&quot; hahaha are you serious.? You are just another greedy (no to offend anyone who is American, i mean this obviously doesn&#039;t apply to all Americans, only the well you what i mean) &quot;green go&quot; as they are called in South America, i can&#039;t believe you are only thinking about money. You won&#039;t kill a bird and bug, but you will also kill like a 100 more, but not even thinking about Rainbows and butterflies, think about yourself do you want to live in a world full of smog, toxic gases and what not, do you want to live with a lot of breathing problems thanks to excessive oil consumption? (No i am not talking about Global Warning, for me is a farce but evidence of toxic gases thanks to excessive oil consumption exist, just look up if you live in NY in a summer day and tell me what color are the clouds &quot;Yellow&quot;)

    The reason is because we are running out of oil even if we drill more it will eventually run out; yes sure it will last for another 10 but what happened when we get there?, all the oil reserves will be depleted then what?. WW3 probably i know i am being anxious, but think what will happen we will have instead of gold fiver we will have oil fiver, we will kill each other for what is left i mean even between our best friends (UK, France, Canada...). And what happens about the emerging economies of China, Russia, Brazil, India and all of those Industrialized countries with huge populations by the way , bigger than the US way bigger, they will also like a piece of the pie, the small but tasteful pie.

    We need another source of energy, that is why not even crazy environmentalists but normal people like me complain about this, think logically. Don&#039;t think Short Term, think Long Term.

    Ethanol is proven to be a bad idea because that will raise the price of food to the roof. So not even thinking of the environment think of how much scarcity of food there will be in the world, specially for third world countries.

    So we need something different like hydrogen fuel for example, or something else. Too bad people don&#039;t see the benefit of it in the long run, i think oil companies and the governments are more worried bout making money right now than anything else, trust me they have the money to invest in research and expansion of the industry (Some companies are more rich than some countries), they just don&#039;t see the benefit right now, too bad they are so close minded.

    Again think Long term, not short Term. Think big

    [EDIT] To answer your additional comment; man if reality was as good as that. we will be leaving on paradise, h**l i wouldn&#039;t have to buy water out of the Convenience store (Hydrogen fuel). The reasons are the same when i mentioned oil companies i meant all of them not only Mobil, but also Shell and so on, i meant all of them don&#039;t see a benefit or fast $ on this idea of &quot;green fuel&quot;. I agree on what you say 100% that will be so much better and everyone will stop complaining, yet we have the so called &quot;Ideologies&quot;, treaties, the jealousy different governments, self interests.

  9. We&#039;ve been working on it, if you haven&#039;t noticed. Heard of biodiesel? Hydrogen fuel cells? Ethanol?

    As for &quot;what if the truth is that nothing can replace oil,&quot; in that case we&#039;re in a lot of trouble. Oil is a finite resource my friend, and we use it up a heck of a lot faster than nature replaces it. The Middle Eastern wells are starting to run dry, hence the Saudi&#039;s involuntary drop in production. If nothing can replace oil then we&#039;re gonna have to make a whole lot of adjustments over the next few decades...

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