dems/libs/socialist/leftist,of the world hate oil so much,and care for mother earth so much,why have they not taken the bull by the horns,themselves,and developed an alternative energy source themselves,i mean if every liberal in the world donated $1 to their cause each month,they should raise at least 100 million each month,1.2 billion a yr,is that not enough with the help of all global warming/liberal scientist,should they not be able to come up with something equal to oil,or could it be there is nothing to replace oil,could it be the objective is to destroy world economies,and enslave people under liberal control,i mean the libs of the world,french,germans,democrats(U.S.),eng... u.n.,have been crying about oil yet no solution for over 20yrs,cloning of humans,and animals is possible,but finding a replacement for oil,has eluded the smarter than thu liberals,i`m just asking,liberals put your money(not mine),were your mouth is?