
Why do spiders prefer to live in shaded regions compared to unshaded regions?

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Why do spiders prefer to live in shaded regions compared to unshaded regions?




  1. It may be the species of spiders that you are observing.  I have had spiders build webs in full sun, partial sun and shade!  I have never seen a black widow that was directly exposed to the sun.  So it is probably species dependent.

  2. They can't get the caps off the tanning lotion bottles.

  3. Spiders are preyed upon by many species of wasps.  Wasps are abundant during the day and have very good vision.  So it seems logical that spiders would seek to spend most of their time in shady areas where they are little seen.  Spiders also depend on concealment to catch their prey, so shade would also be more ideal to hide from prey.  Those who build their webs in sunny areas usually wait in shade or are have coloration to camouflage their presence.

  4. Because jumping spiders don't spin webs. They stalk their pray in the shade.

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