
Why do spirits appear in the form of orbs and lights?

by  |  earlier

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I wasn't talking about them wearing suits and stuff asgapollo....i was wanting to know why they appear in the for mof lights/orbs...why not human shape?




  1. Those are swamp gas or ball lightning.

  2. They don't.  But then I think that might be the point of your question.  As in, why *would* spirits appear in the form of orbs and lights?  I would also ask, why would spirits appear in the form of photographic anomalies?  As in, why are these orbs never visible to the human eye?  Same thing with EVPs.  Why bother appearing if you are only visible/audible on high-tech equipment?

  3. I think it is to conserve energy,  must take a lot of power to look like a person.  And I do see orbs and hear voices that I pick up on EVP's.

    Why do some people spend so much time trying to disprove something they know nothing about P.D.?

  4. Not all Spirits appear as orbs or lights.  We just did an Investigation in an old Mansion and we got a full body apparition dressed in the kind of clothing that someone rich and wore during the 1850's.  The Grand old Mansion was also a very big part in the Underground Railroad.  We got 3 apparitions that night and a load of orbs and some different colors of lights and designs made by those lights.  We showed the Board that overlooks the Mansion some of the pics we got and each person wrote done about things that may have touched them, cold spots and quite a few more questions in that line and I got an E-Mail from the Board asking us to please come back so we have 2 new dates to go back there.

         I think the reason we see more orbs and lights as it takes less energy to become an orb or lights then to become a full body ed apparition and we got 3 that night.  We had alto of our batteries totally drained also and they use those batteries to gain more energy.

  5. We are all a form of light, or rather a frequency of energy.

    Our human bodies resonate at a low frequency, therefore we appear as solid matter.

    Spirits are at a higher frequency and therefore appear as light. If they so choose, they may appear as something we can relate to - a ghost of a person or an angel, but usually go about their business as orbs of light.

  6. No physical form at higher levels of spirit vibration pure energy intelligent

  7. Some people could say so, but I don't think so.  You don't here many cases in which orbs that are flying around in an area is paranormal activity.  Some photographs of these so called orbs or lights could be mistaken for fireflies, glares of the sun, or even camera problems with the lense.

  8. the orbs and the lights are a projection of their energy through the veil that divides the living from the dead.

  9. Takes alot of energy for them to being in human shape now that they don't have earthly bodies. Thats why they drain batteries & such.

  10. i dint think wearing clothes does much for them.

    its hard to go through the wall with a suit on.

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