
Why do squirrels stop in the middle of the road?

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I'm on the road a lot and I run over squirrels all the time. They sprint into the middle of the lane I'm driving in and stop as if daring me to hit them. I do if I can. I'm just wondering what's their problem?




  1. i saw it on animal planet i think its because the car stuns them and they dont have time to react.

  2. because they work for Geigo insurance

  3. i've noticed this also. i'm convinced that the female squrrils run back to the side of the road where it's safe, while the males go insane and start doing donughts in the center of the road and get themselves killed. lol just kidding, i don't know. i think maybe they just freak out and don't know what to do since a huge metal object is hurling at them. some doggies do the same thing, they will just stand there and look at you while you drive towards them. who knows? good question though.....


  4. because they dont see your car till they are in the road....then when they see it their instinct is to freeze and hope you dont see them

  5. It is a little known fact that small rodents have built in syncros that become magnetic and as a result  they are forced to run into steel belted tires.

    This electromagnetism applies only to steel belts, this is why you never ran into them as a kid on your bicycle.  The magnetic attraction still occurs in death, which explains why squirrel ick gets stuck in your treads.

    A close cousin is the primitive GPS in armadillos.  I like to take them camping like a compass. If I get lost in the woods I merely let it out of its cage. The armadillo will immediately head to the nearest patch of asphalt to sacrifice itself.

  6. So you can run the tree rats over!

  7. i guess their playing the squirrel version of chicken.

  8. Because they like to see car crashes. Remember this commercial?:

    I thought so...

  9. they don't realize they are in the middle of the road, After all, they are squirrels

  10. They are trying to get you to slide on one of them and break your collar bone.

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