
Why do storm clouds appear black?

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Or very dark grey? And why are other clouds white?




  1. Darker clouds are full of moisture.

  2. naturally all clouds are white, whether it be storm clouds or the clouds you see on a sunny day.  the reason why storm clouds appear dark or black is because they block out sunlight.  as more water vapor combine to form clouds, they begin to bock out more and more sunlight.

  3. dark colored clouds are called nimbus clouds, clouds become opaque due to condensed water drops, white clouds are due to water vapor, its translucent due to change in optical density of vapors, such clouds are called cumulus or cirrus clouds

  4. Rain and the lack of sun getting through.

  5. This shows that u r about to get

    thunder and lighteneing

    and hail

    and a fierce kind of storm ... !!!!

  6. Had to look this one up on Wikipedia. When clouds are white, that means the water droplets in the cloud are tiny and very close together. This format tends to reflect most of the light that hits it, making the cloud appear white. As time goes on, the tiny droplets gather together into bigger droplets (the cloud is getting ready to rain). The bigger droplets are farther apart. This format allows light to penetrate farther into the cloud. More light is absorbed by the cloud instead of reflected, so it appears darker.

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