
Why do students get asked to remove clothing if it is shows what they stand for?

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Ok, so I am a PROUD vegetarian...

and as you may know- World Vegetarian Day is October 1st!

I know they do this to g*y pride as well (Im straight!).

I asked my Mom if I could wear a button that says 'Hug Me! I'm A Vegetarian!'

She says 'No, you would have to take it off.'

I said 'Why?'

She shrugs.

It IS freedom of speech, and expression!!!

SO WHY WHY WHY cant we express our individuality!!?!?!?!




I'm Wearing a button ANYWAY!! IT IS MY RIGHT!!!!

P.S.S... I know world veg day is Oct. 1st, Hug a Veg. is Sept 29th, right?




  1. Clothes don't stand for anything. Ghandi, theres an example.

    Such an immature way of teenage thinking btw, all your clothes are made by white capitalist CEO's of companies who spend millions of dollars on psychologists marketing "cool" and "individual" to you guys.

    Also, pins are no exception. You don't need to be a loud image protester to make a point. And if you do, do it like a real devoted person Thich Quang Duc, a buddhist monk who burned himself alive for his beliefs.

    Now, take your American individuality, and compare it to the rest of the world, and the people who do soemthing besides standing on a corner yelling "don't eat animals!" Otherwise, grab another industrial company-made sticker and put it on your shirt, join a self-interest group and call yourself independant.

  2. the theory is that school is a place for learning, not for self-expression. Same reason most jobs have dress codes and uniforms and such; you're there to do the job, not start debates.

    Of course, as a dirt-lovin' tree-hugger myself, I think that's hogwash. But, it's their building, so they make the rules.  

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