
Why do students that are involved in there school do better than others?

by Guest33911  |  earlier

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why do you think students that are involved in there school do potentially better than students that are not involved?




  1. Because they usually have to sign a random drug test consent form to participate in extra-curricular activities. =) hah.

    On the flip side, my best friend hates school functions, yet he makes straight A's.

  2. Not true. I have not done a single extra curricular and have a 4.0 while my sister who has done cheerleading and every intramural offered has the same 4.0.

    Depends on what you perception of involved is. But, if you don't spend a lot of time studying and you general don't care what happens at school your going to wind up not doing well.

  3. probably because you have to maintain a certain GPA in order to be a part of the extra curricular activity/activities that you are interested in. It gives a lot of people that extra push that they need...especially sports players.

  4. I think its because the kids who want to take part in alot of after school activities (homework club, drama, extra english, reading groyp, carnigi club, digilab, computer repair, cake making etc.) Ususal quite like school to begin with and people who like school tend to get better grades because they dont mind putting alot of time in because ts enoyable to them.

    In fact I only just realised that I'm in a two times expressed 'gifted and talented' class and i do drama, foreign cuisine and carnigi club. So sorry if people like me come acroos as aragont i'm sure we're nice people.

  5. Because mommy & daddy are taking "very. good. care." of their baby's interestes.

    Don't be alarmed by these fools, they grow up to be spat out, in the real world they do not stand a chance.

    So if this is a question based on your intimidation, I suggest you relax. In the end you will be far better off than they are.

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