
Why do suicide bombers want to kill people including themselves? Can't they just stay home and die instead?

by Guest31780  |  earlier

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Why do suicide bombers want to kill people including themselves? Can't they just stay home and die instead?




  1. maniacs do not need a reason. the follow their religon and its leaders. parents tell their children its a great sacrifice  and yet did you ever hear a person of their faith condemn them. never beleive or trust them.

  2. They are insane.Mentally retarded.

  3. they would be out of a job

  4. That would defeat the purpose.

    They must die as a martyr for Islam in order to qualify for the seven virgins in heaven.

    I don't know what they promise the women, perhaps they get to be one of those virgins.

    I think I, as a mother, would have a major problem with my child being recruited for this insanity, maybe that is why women have no rights in the Arab world.

  5. They are brainwashed to believe they will go to a better place and to hate those they are sent to kill.

  6. They believe it immediately sends them to Paradise where 72 dark eyed virgins await them, and sends their enemies immediately to burn in h**l.

    The problem is that those virgins are permanently in that state, which also tends to make the jihadis mean and frustrated.

  7. Often suicide bombers come from an impoverished country where there have been many wars and famines.  Terrorists then come to these countries and say to people 'Western countries are to blame for your problems.  Join us, become a martyr and things will be better for your families and country'.  People from these countries don't have access to the education or opposing viewpoints which would help them think differently.  Sometimes suicide bombers are used to upset occupying western military forces and force them to go home.  There is a vast history of opposition between the western occupation of lands in the middle east which some see as infringing on their religion and culture.  If you have time, read the wikipedia article that I have linked at the end of this post.

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