
Why do sunnis keep abusing Shias , is it part of their sunni religion?

by Guest66914  |  earlier

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why do they worship abu bakra ?




  1. *points to OIC tag*

  2. y?the y is not important...some of them do and now u r abusing them as well...and it never stops them doing this but provoke them to do it more and more...what u do is as bad as what they do...fear ur God...lets be united...

  3. the question is,why do muslims answer your questions anyway?

  4. lol there seems to be another troll roaming around the Ramadan section..

    but hey, we've got nothing else to do so here goes..

    it's a human thing, honey, sunnis insult shia, shias insult sunnis, saudis insult kuwaitis, kuwaitis insult saudis, pakistanis insult indians, indians insult pakistanis, french insult brits, brits insult french, whites insult blacks, blacks insult whites, christians insult muslims, muslims insult christians, and athiests insult just about everybody else who's a theist :D

    it's all part and parcel of the human race, sad as that is, and it's never going to go away, because we humans are small minded creatures..

  5. Tim, I'm a Muslim. And my family is s**+'a. I really think that questions like this create a further gap  in the Muslim community.  If you ask this, they will ask why we worship Ali (AS), when we all know we don't. We give him the respect he deserves. And they give Abu Bakr respect. That's it. Simple and done with.

    Remember that it is not your place to judge, and you ought to leave the sorting out to God, only He can judge.

  6. im sunni, but i totally understand what ur saying. all these retarded feuds are making everyone look like immature children! sunnis, your making us all look like horrible people! my best friend is shia, and its not islamic to disrespect fellow muslims, or anyone for anything! would prophet muhammed do that? honestly? would he approve of it? do you think allah approves of all this nonsense??

    anyone that criticizes anyones faith is not a true religious person at all. its not kind at all. it just leads to more chaos and less peace!

    if u have those kinds of disgusting thoughts, do the world a favor and keep them to yourself. allah will hear u loud and clear anyhow

    SALMAN: how dare u call me a liar! do u no what i am? or do I no what i am?

  7. we keep bashing for u since it's necessary in shiaism religion

  8. I am tired of Shias like you.

  9. Thats not what Sunnis are taught but some fools teach some other fools that Killing a Shia is a ticket to the fools' heaven!

    and please bro stop it wit these questions...truth is truth what ever it be!

  10. Sunnis worship ALLAH , but the s**+'as worship Ali and his sons , you can be sure of that in muharram.

    s**+'as hate Sunnis because Sunnis are much better

  11. no in our religion(Islam) you won't find a thing about shias

    because shiaism didn't exist yet back then


    but shiaism religion all about insulting Islam and it's  an anti-islam religion.

  12. Why do Shia's beat themselfs for Ali (ra) i just cant understand why..

  13. Stupid. we do not keep abusing s**+'is its them who keep doing it. do you ever take the time to think before you ask? and we do not worship Abu-Baker (ra).

    i have a question for you. why do you worship Ali (ra) ???

  14. Stupid, first ask your self, that why s**+' curse at Islam?

    i don't think you have brain in u r mind but shiit!!!

    we just answered you that we don't worship abu-bakr(ra)!!

    @ the person below Waqqas is a shia too!!

  15. Did you ever hear the word


  16. not all Sunnis are like that, i am a Sunni and i never abuse shias and no its not part of are religion, Sunnis are Muslim too, and Allah know best what is wright and wrong u shouldn't blame any group and call it wrong, i follow the Koran, i like to be Muslim not a shia or Sunni or whatever, it  really hurts when Muslims hurt each other, in our way of life we are to respect other peoples religion,groups and live in peace, not abuse them or hurt each other for no reason, and true Muslim will never hurt any one who is innocent

  17. no, its just a part of your dream...

  18. Muslim never abuses the Shias .

    Its shia & Shiaism who abuses we Muslim & Islam.

    edit , oh ! yes Its the tradition of shiaism to abuse Islam & Muslims.

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