
Why do supercross riders tailwhip off of the larger doubles, triples, and tabletops?

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I know it's not showing off because they have to concentrate on running the race, and all the racers are doing it. Is it to get more momentum to get a little more distance?




  1. To knock of the height for shorter hang time

  2. it increases the drag and makes the bike less aerodynamic meaning a lower jump even if the starting ramp is trying to send you up.

    it stops you overshooting the landing and bottoming out

    and allows you to accelerate sooner and regain youre speed


  3. It's so they can keep their speed up coming into the face of the jump.

    If they let off the throttle at the face of the jump they are losing time on the track.

    But, if they keep it on they are making up more time.

    The reason they have to "scrub" the jump or whip the jump is because if they don't they risk over jumping and landing on flat ground instead of the downside of the jump.

    Since jumps have lofted riders higher and further over the last decade (since thats what fans like to see) the riders have to find a way to get their wheels back on the ground as soon as possible. So if you whip your bike sideways during the jump that is going to slow you down (If needed) and you are going to be back on the ground and accelerating faster.

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