
Why do supermarkets insist on trying to part us from more money than we can afford?

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Thankfully I'm strong enough to resist their tempting offers. I still find it annoying though, not just for myself but for others feeling the strain of the current financial climate.

It seems immoral to me that they claim to help us save money with one hand, then try and claw back more with the other.

For the past few weeks I have been receiving vouchers for a couple of £'s off my next week's shopping providing I spend at least 3 times as much as normal.

Is anyone else having similar experiences?

What do you think of the tactics?




  1. yes and most of the vouchers are for stuff you don't want to have anyway  

  2. This is their marketing tactics to increase their sales. However,you need to be a wise consumer and only buy things that suits your consumption.

  3. would you rather they ration you like the old bread lines in russia? just stock up and save your stuff thats all.  

  4. It's called business.


  5. cos they are a*********s theyre now taking plastic bags away as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. I think you're seriously overreacting to their advertising gimmicks. If you don't want to use the coupons, just throw them away -- or tack them on the store's bulletin board, if they have one, for other shoppers who might have use for them.

    It's just an advertisement, it's not a plot or a scheme to steal your hard-earned money.

  7. This is Marketing tactics which play on human weakness. "Penny wise, pound foolish". Alawys make your shopping list, keep your shopping once a week. This way, you will not be tempted as you have your handful and have better control over your expenditure. Good Luck!

  8. Its the job of any busines to squeeze maximum profit from the customers. (punters)

    And often when you look at the deals u will see its on cheap imported goods which are really from poor people from third world countrys where labour is cheap.

    To survive the credit crunch we need to get energy smart and remember simple things like to turn of the t.v when its on standbuy

  9. They're not twisting your arm - if you don't want to spend more, then don't - or spend three times as much, but only shop a third of the number of times that you do & use the vouchers!

  10. It is standard business practise. Sometimes it is effective sometimes not. How you react is up to you if you spend more than you can afford that is your fault don't blame the retailers they are just trying to run a business  

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